Why did the FBI need to bamboozle Trump like this?

Why did the FBI need to bamboozle Trump like this?

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But seriously, they're the FBI. Why would they need to plant a backdoor to raid Trump? Trump is also a dope for not seeing this coming.

The fbi scoped it out and assured that is where the boxes were first. Then they come in there wearing full battle kit. Scumbags.

What wonderful twisting of words
>put an extra lock on the door
Did the FBI or DOJ have a key to that lock? No, of course not
>ripped open the lock that they had asked to be installed
Right, because they needed to get in there to serve the search warrant

Where's the search warrant?
He's got it, his lawyer confirmed it.
Why is he hiding it?


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Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath because he was an idiot who talked to the government. Showing the search warrant would be really dumb. Never talk, never show your hand. Don’t give the press anything to research.

How does it feel to just parrot the same talking points everyone else is saying?

May I ask what was within these boxes and maybe a description of this place where they were stored?

Trump is claiming a vast conspiracy against him
The search warrant would prove or disprove the conspiracy
He refuses to release the search warrant

The only conclusion to draw is that he's lying about the vast conspiracy and the search warrant is perfectly legal and normal
What could possibly be in the search warrant that he would want to keep secret, other than his crimes?

What a useless cuck he turned out to be.


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Trump is a low IQ NPC. A showman npc for the braindead masses.

Shareblue just deposited $0.14 into your account

>I have no argument and refuse to use my brain
>Trump 2024

Javanka is the mole duh

This whole thing was staged to keep idiots mad. The emotionally weak can't understand that they are being fucked with.

Hey dumbass, the russia gate, scamdemic, and russia phone call endless media cycle was plenty of evidence for a vast conspiracy against trump. Just look at how the media covered Trump throughout his entire presidency.
Did you just start paying attention?

My butthurt sensors are spiking.

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It's all bullshit to keep the right mad. And when it comes out to be nothing, and Trump laughs in your face, its bullshit to keep the left mad.

It's nothing new. Just process punishment and harassment. You can make your own list of all the events that fit the pattern.

Trump is the perfect pawn to keep all the idiots foaming at the mouth.

>vault is empty anyways
yeah you're retarded

To know to look for the door with the double lock.

Flirting Brosexual Intercourse

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>our country is going to hell

um AKSHULLY things are better now than they ever have been. 70% of those bitching about our current state are about to die off and the remainder are loser incels who cling to rightwing politics (being a bigoted sack of shit without empathy).

because he pled the fifth, you're a retarded faggot congrats

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What if Trump hand picked the guy just for this reason?

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Riddle me this

Why do a raid first instead of asking for it as is, or subpoena it, when it's reported and recorded that Trump was cooperative

>never show your hand
The feds already know about the warrant bud they're the ones who wrote it.