How is this not proof the vaccine is causing ADE?

How is this not proof the vaccine is causing ADE?

Billions of people have this "vaccine." We're looking at a total collapse of civilization.

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Still not taking it
>the vax

Because you're trying to convince neurotic degenerates who are in denial, anyone with a brain already knows. This was a real life IQ test. Sympathy goes out to people who though the best decision was to sacrifice themselves to feed their kids

at 10 deaths/day/million, it will take 273 years to kill everyone

Half of their friends will be dead and the vaxxed will still be talking about how much worse it could have been without the vaccine.

The Dan Bilzerian for nerds has spoken. You're not a science denier are you?

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>death to covid tyrants

that dudebro who smashed that dr's car window should have snapped his neck he would have been totally right in the eyes of God.


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so maybe a quarter to an eighth

> it doesn't show the vaccine causing ADE so it's not proof

> 10/1,000,000
It’s Anudda shoah

The most interesting thing is that it's only happening long after the vaccine uptake.

Anyone with a brain knows it’s all fake

If I was gonna Gates the population, I'd want something that seems benign, so I could pump that shit into everyone with no suspicion. Then, when enough of the juice has been pumped, the party starts. Perhaps in a few years.
The ultimate death jab would be one that does nothing itself, or seems to but in reality makes every other morbidity present itself and so far that looks to be a possibility.

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>We're looking at a total collapse of civilization.

2 moar weeks

but seriously the question is where will that curve go?

currently a small percentage of people are dropping dead like flies from the vaxxxxxxxxxies

the percentage currently is small enough the majority feel safe ignoring it.........


will that percentage increase? stay the same? decrease?

I think the numbers will increase and noticably so until the normies start freaking out about all the dead bodies.......

but when? next few months? next year? next 5 years?

100 leading indicators of death

lots of news articles I stopped updating the list a few months ago - get the pdf zoom 200% clik links read learn

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Such a coping meme
Feeling nervous, vaxxie?

If it keeps stepping like that with consecutive vaccine rounds it really wouldn't look very good, but as it is you could just say people are dying of covid despite the vaccine

ADE means vaxxed people would get more severe infections compared to people who hadn't

Since both groups are likely to get mild symptoms it's not happening.

You think facts mean anything to these people? This is their new religion. The quick jesus complex to fill in the parts of the brain that are looking for moral standards and values.