The left knows the right is all talk

Everything seen in the past 2 years proves the left knows the right is all talk but due to their paranoia and projection try to defend themselves by taking the worse positions possible.

The right still lacks what it takes to set fire to sacred cows of institutions.
I see posts saying we must protect the republic. Why? would you save a rotted tree? Honestly Its time to talk about a 2nd Republic.

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>Overturns roe v Wade

Who is "the left" exactly

> 2 years

Can you prove you're a political amateur any more clearly or abundantly?
You fucking retard?

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Because I've seen Patriots beat the living shit out of antifa every single time.

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>le ebin centrist joins the chat
Lul fuck off and die faggot, you will always lose to the people that have sides

>Jan 6th was a terrorist coup!!!!!
>"The right" still lacks what it takes to set fire to sacred cows of institutions.
Lol, you fuckwit.

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Is coffe good for you?

It's funny how desperate the Left is for the Right to do something stupid, given how bad you've fucked everything up by getting exactly what you want: more government control, more environmental bullshit, more special treatment for rejects, et. al.

In a few more months, the elections will come about. If those don't bring change, you'll probably see some action from someone. But as for right now, the Left will probably have to pull another false-flag again.

checked. lost my sides unfortunately, so i can not compete with you

who is you?
my fren.
here are the choices

1) the right does nothjing the left advances it cause
2) the right wins an election but due to the shitty rinos water down and effective policy and the left still avances their cause
3)the right chimps out, the left comes down heavily with the full force of the state and still advances their causes
4) the right steadily accrues power and does a march through the institutions type thing.

the problem with 4 is that right is capable of that extreme long term thinking as it doesnt have institutions and also it self-regulate to moderate itself because it fears itself turning into a theocracy. Moderation is self denial with compromise.

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>Overturns roe v wade

>If those don't bring change, you'll probably see some action from someone
Yea that action will be to force yourself to be excited about the next fake election

All that accomplishes is increasing the nigger birthrate in the deep south

Left or right doesn't matter.
It's all about taking down the deep state globalists who are actively trying to provoke a civil war to cover their doomed asses.
We're taking back America, and the only optics are your nonstop graft and fraud. You'll have to fake 90% of the vote at this point.
No one believes your gaslighting anymore. The right are sitting back and laughing.
You fucks are so clueless.

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The truth is Americans are "all talk". Deep down, they would never fight for their values, they'd rather have someone else do the fighting for them. A country full of hedonistic traitors from all around the world. This would also explain why Americans have no morals or ethics.

They only have platitudes that they pretend to believe in, and nothing else.

>The right still lacks what it takes to set fire to sacred cows of institutions

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>it's all about taking down the deep state globalists

people enlighten me on how you plan to do this?
as i said before the left knows the right wont do anything
also why is it the automatic assumption of the right that doing something equals violence?

But when you can't abortion kids or use them as fucking tax rebates and handouts then you don't get niggers with 40 kids and no father.

You're just a fucking moron that can't think more than literally zero steps ahead

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Kike massively projecting
We also knew once the violence is actually threatened you'd crumble
We didn't want to do it this way
Because it might get fucking real af lol
But you fucking insisted

Boo fucking hoo huh?
Say my name bitch. Say it. Say who's in charge. Say it.

I dunno same way we killed Disney and Netflix probably
Just smash you fuckers one at a time until there isn't a fucking faggot from here to Timbuk-fucking-tu

Anything that involves violence is glowie gibberish, ignore them for they want to make the far right look bad.

For all the talk of Q followers trusting the plan and doing nothing you Bible thumping gun nuts never do shit either. Jesus isn't going to fix your problems. People don't die and come back to life.

That is illegal. If you weren't glowing you would know that.

>bust on me nigger
heard that before

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Say my name bitch
Say it

Maybe, I'll have to doublecheck my sources.

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only a glowie would think its glowing to dissolve federal institutions

All true.

2020-2021 was one massive shit test and conservatives failed it magnificently.

You showed them you will cower at home with lockdowns, forced vaccines, state sanctioned Black riots, and a stolen election.

And the few Boomers with the stones to walk through the capitol on January 6th were thrown into dungeons for life.

The next shock will be Democrats crushing it in the midterms. Then with full control of Congress, the real purge begins.

I promise you a few people reading this right now will wind up in Federal prisons, and you will curse how everyone sat on their hands in 2020 u til your dying day.

how did we kill disney and netflix?
this is the kind of delusion i cant stand anymore

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Like this

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You are advocating violence which makes the far right look bad. Think about the optics, retard.

Why aren't you cleaning out your desk
For real


It makes sense. The right is trying to protect what's been built and the left is the Tasmanian devil

Stock goes down...omg its destroyed and will never recover!!!!!

Where are the mass layoffs? Are they closing studios.
what is the total netflix staff and how much have they laid off.
They are restructuring

Youre drawing at straws.