Beyond Meat is a complete flop

Turns out, men don't want to eat fake meat, phytoestrogen burgers that will turn them into raging faggots:


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No shit

Great another company trying to protect the environment killed by ignorant, stubborn and bigoted chuds.

Environment will be fine once we kill all the fags and Jews

I'm beyond surprised

kys troon

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Bill gates has invested heavily, and as we know his strategy consists of taking choices away from the consumer and force feeding stuff they don’t want. So in wouldn’t count the 50¥ out yet.

pea protein has very little phytoestrogen when compared to so-y though

>phytoestrogen burgers that will turn them into raging faggots
Phytoestrogen is for plants, and you don't metabolize it into human estrogen effectively. Animal protein however does contain animal estrogen which your body intakes easily.

You get more estrogen from a meat burger lmao, especially when you are eating the american hormone packed steroid shit

Yummy yummy seed oils and snoybeans. Fucked up thing we don't even know the exact amount of damage these industrial oils do

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>phytoestrogen burgers that will turn them into raging faggots
>Phytoestrogen is for plants, and you don't metabolize it into human estrogen effectively. Animal protein however does contain animal estrogen which your body intakes easily.
>You get more estrogen from a meat burger lmao, especially when you are eating the american hormone packed steroid shit
Wrong, the binding affinity from phytoestrogen is just as high as estrogen.
It doesnt have to be converted.

I'll care about the environment the day that governments stop feeding African niggers and encouraging brown "people" to reproduce.
Until then I'll assume that 100% of environmentalism is some kind of humiliation psyop to make me accept a lowered quality of life.
If Green Parties wore armbands and called for closed borders and sterilization of niggers, I'd support them. Until then I'll go ahead and assume they're some type of Judaic goy emasculation program

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At least we'll all have free rent inside that fat empty head of yours.

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maybe stop calling it meat?

Yes lol at 100 to 10,000 times less, and can also act antagonistically

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>all those hedgefunds that were saying Beyond Meat was the future are now getting fucked in the ass
Good. Fuck goyslop.

Plant based meat not nearly dehumanizing enough compared to bug consumption. Sicko capital has moved on.

utter bullshit
phytoestrogens don't need to be metabolised into human oestrogen to have high affinity to estrogen receptors; they already do
they're complete poison

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You assholes are standing between me and lab printed, steak-sized shrimp cubes. I don't care if it's Israeli, I want it.

>Yes lol at 100 to 10,000 times less, and can also act antagonistically
Yeah so why would I put that garbage into my body. Are you retarded?
No wonder soys behave like fucking women.

Ruminants are vital to the ecosystem, and by their very nature they do not add in anything new, only using artificial fertilizers they drill out of the earth for the overly plant heavy agriculture does that.
If people cared about the environment and human health they'd push for a more cow and sheep heavy diet instead of more plants and get rid of isolated sugar refinement.

plant proteins sucks ass. I'd rather just eat meat and become a strong burlyman

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