How do you feel about Peter Thiel? His company gets billions of dollars of tax payer money to spy on you

How do you feel about Peter Thiel? His company gets billions of dollars of tax payer money to spy on you.

Attached: thiel1.png (1347x812, 579.71K)

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I think he is just a capitalist playing by the rules of the game.
Thiel is an interesting character, he is obessed with collapse, he has secret underground bunkers and shit in New Zealand.

It gives me hope, he is a smart guy and if he thinks the system will not last longer I can only take that as a positive.

he reminds me of this company in this video

He's a faggot

I've learned that richfags like this are just greedy bastards that will do whatever it takes to ensure the money keeps coming in. If the government were healthy, they'd probably be an asset.

The more you read about him, the more you realize he's an appalling human being

>society is about to collapse
>so do nothing while I continue to make lucrative deals

Would taking all cash out of the bank be a good idea with these feds going nuts?

The weird thing is at first glance he seems like a normal guy but the longer you stare the more sinister he becomes. He's one of those gays that you can tell his homosexuality is a result of some deep mental illness. Frankly he seems dangerous and likely psychopathic.

Attached: thiel.png (785x860, 400.75K)

If you are talking about me? I'm powerless but I try to do minor things. Moving outside the cities for one.
For Thiel, I think he is heding his bets. Thats what rich do, always consider multiple possibilities. Not saying he completely believes in the collapse but him buying some bunker proves the system is not indestructible as people think it is

literal glownigger like musk and the rest of the paypal mafia. bilderberger

He's one of the people that realized Facebook is too powerful at surveillance to just be allowed to be a fun place to keep in touch with friends and family and instead gradually turned it into a data collection website

also likes the blood of young children to stay young (transfusions)

Im pretty sure hes my candidate for tech CEO Monarch. Hopefully him and Musk decide sieze power soon.

secret 2d waifu
gay as cover-up
he should just admit it...

It's a fact that the silicon valley elite do enemas with childs blood but the children aren't harmed, they just "donate" the blood for money in mexico. This has been going on for decades.

Attached: kek.jpg (1000x1151, 200.94K)

Criminal gay jew on gibs assisting his fellows to stalk everyone.

>He's one of those gays that you can tell his homosexuality is a result of some deep mental illness.
Literally 99.9% of them. In fact, being gay itself was classified as a mental illness until activists in the APA voted that it AKSHUALLY was not.

It’s always a coincidence and dey dindu nuffins.

He also takes it up the pooper tho. So I’m torn.

Co founder of paypal and Palantir.. he has the correct dataset to match with the IRS