I want a militaristic Japan again

I want a militaristic Japan again.
Thanks China for making this a reality.
I'm not a weeaboo, I just want to see what Japan would be really capable of today in the more modern era.
Do you think Japan would be able to compete with China even though China has the 2nd highest GDP in the world?

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You fight we, we come and put the flag on chink soil and fuck Chinese women, you did big sin to destroy our empire but God never sleeps and he will make you golem for it to come back

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The sun will rise again
Marry and reproduce

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Hot damn imagine a full bore modern technology Japanese military.

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God Bless Based Nihongo

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The only reason why China still exists is because the Americans reamed the Japanese's ass with 2 nuclear bombs.
China Navy is shit. China Army is shit.
Japan can deal with China.

Should've stayed out of Pearl Harbor and the Aleutians then

It can happen fast...
As if China invades Taiwan.
That article 9 will go in the trash soon.

Your fault for supporting Soviets by signing the lend lease in March 1941 instead to support Germany against communist plague, not our

A lot like the Germans. They will sucumb at 1billion of bad trained soldiers.

w-what kind of anime is this...

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The only reason the naps got so far in ww2 was because China was in a perpetual state of civil war since the mid 19th century. And even with that the japs stopped making gains after year 1.

High School DxD

Best ever. High School DxD

China stopped their civil war to fight the Japanese, it's just that the CCP was unwilling to fully commit.
It's still reflective of their behaviors as a people.

for the love of G-d no! Asia can only handle one nuclear superpower (and even that's too much). You cannot put WMDs in the hands of G-dless, petty, petulant children like Asians. If anything maybe the South Koreans (because they're mostly Christian), but after having lived around East Asians/East Asian Culture, I realize how childish and foolish they are. They will literally send nukes flying over their "pride" or to "save face". They're fucking retards. They can't even operate motor vehicles and literally are offended by minor words. Turning the other cheek isn't an option for them. They literally are Communist bugs that exist for nothing apart from propagating their individual genes in a zero-sum game.
Read some Asian history. They will gladly MADs and take us all with them over some stupid fucking pissing match over who has the bigger small dick. I respect Asians less and less every day as I'm exposed to them. They're not smart, they're 100% ignoble, they're immature, they lack equanimity, jealous, and evil.
Koreans maybe get the pass due to Christianity, but they still struggle with massive pride issues.
Arming Asia would destroy the world- I guarantee it.

>Do you think Japan would be able to compete with China even though China has the 2nd highest GDP in the world?
probably not on their own, but they would make it impossible for China to invade them succesfully.

Nuclear weapons keep you from being invaded and keep you from being nuked. Realistically, how long would it take for Japan to make a nuclear weapon, along with the missile technology to deliver it effectively? All they would need is a few hundred to keep China from fucking with them. If Taiwan had a few hundred nukes (with missiles) it would also be safe from invasion forever. The US is crumbling from the inside, I fully expect them to abandon their "allies" when they are over extended on too many fronts at once AND/OR are fighting a domestic insurgency at home.

The Kuomintang fought the Japanese with everything they had while the CCP hid in the hills doing jack shit. After the war the CCP emerged and stabbed the weakened Kuomintang in the back, who then had to flee to Formosa (Taiwan).

Commies are one of the four destroyers of civilization, along with jews, muslims, and capitalists.

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the Chinks, Gookd and the Jews
fear the Samurai

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>Asia can only handle one nuclear superpower
India and Pakistan has nukes, but I guess theyre not considered superpowers.


the Chinks, Gooks* and the Jews
fear the Samurai

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We fucked up by letting the Soviets advance their nuclear program while backing the Commies in China. McCarthy even said that not intervening in China against the Communists would be the greatest diplomatic mistake in history. Guess who opposed him?? Oh, it was the fucking filthy commie Democrats who were still LARPing as "Conservatives" back then. You can trace their entire history of abhorrent behavior through slavery back to the fucking Monarchy in England. They're filthy totalitarians who must be wiped. We'll never free the Chinese at this point. Arming Japan would just give the CCP more Nationalistic ammunition. My Chinese friend from Beijing gleefully defends the CCP's use of Nationalism stating, "it gives the people something to believe in..." Why not let them believe in their old folk religions, traditions or in G-d? Fucking inhuman bug demons run the CCP. Other Asians will succumb to the same fate without religious intervention.

If the US let Japan off the leash, there wouldn't be a North (Best) Korea.

Months...literally months. The reason they were huge into nuclear power is because they have the fissile material ready to go. This is well known. While not overtly subverting the agreements, they basically developed their nuclear program through nuclear power. China was upset, we funded some of it, and the dirty secret of nuclear weapons: The fissile material is the hardest part.

As I stated above, DO NOT GIVE ASIANS WMDS. Don't give any fucking atheist WMDs (including our tyrant government). Do not let the G-dless play G-d.

And no, China will never use nukes offensively. They're psychotic bug people who want their savage wars of old. They want their "grand humility of enemies" stupid shit. Fucking retarded, petulant, immature, petty children. China will crumble internally before the US due to their nature. They lack the sagacity or composure to control their drones for over 100 years. We've seen this countless times throughout history. Why do you think China never accomplished anything and was colonized despite being a millennium ahead of Europe technologically at one point?

No, I don't consider them "asian". Indians are actually capable of rising above petty conflict. They historically are deeply religious and didn't run around gutting others for wrongdoings of previous generations. Only Atheist Nihilists are capable of the evil that the bugs practice.

Indians and Pakis are fighting over religion, but both aren't stupid or petty enough to throw everything away.
The bugs are 100% savage enough to do this.

They were done for, kuomintang was no threat to the Japanese army.
You literally funded the ussr, it wasn't about communism.
It was about killing japan because they destroyed china and also the west's drug market all over asia.