Leftism doesn't wor-

>Leftism doesn't wor-

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Inb4 all the jealous poor people complain that they don't get free low-income housing

Reddittards are so stupid it infuriates me

>welfare states are socialism argument
American education.

>livin' la wagie loca
>can barely afford basics
>realize you can have roughly the same quality of life if you pretend to be homeless in Finland
>go there
>do it
>no more wage cage
>all wagies soon follow suit
>whole system collapses

This is why it doesn't work

it's being tried in LA right this moment

A trial run of this policy was enacted in the form of a "homeless hotel"

The inside looks like Skidrow. Homeless americans are fucked in the head.

They're fucking clueless midwits.

Thanks for posting the article. It really shows me this probably isn’t real.

American leftism just spent $400bn on climate change and armed the IRS
not a single cent for homeless people

i wouldn't want my neighbor to be a homeless guy, fuck that

>Statement ending wi-
Hi shill bot.

You gotta admit
They have a point
Why can’t there be
Why doesn’t the right
It’s over
The vaccine dieoff
Mommy ______
You won’t do shit
Fuck around and find out
Why did capitalism fail?
This is the moment that made me a Democrat voter
There’s nothing you can do about it. :)
Why are conservatives so against education and science?
You guys are all going to get arrested
You are irrelevant.
They wont do shit.
Dark Brandon
When I was a Libertarian
Muh gunz
Take your meds
NOOOO you can't just investigate
Anybody else completely accept defeat?
Any Forums will defend this!
As a former
We’re fucked
Dabs on
I wish I were a woman
Are anti vaxxers retarded?
The left can’t me-
She’s right you know
Why is it so much harder to get a gf now a days?
He's not wrong
*Role play statement*
Why can't Americans figure out universal healthcare?
Let’s be honest
Why are white men so weak and pathetic like this?
Dear diary
Trannies have won
Dare I say
Trump’s going to prison
Why have grown men given up?
Christ cucks
Twitter screencap
Let's face it
We all know
It’s okay to
We lost
Latinx bros

I live in Washington state. The city of seattle has literally built “tiny homes” for the homeless. They’re more than big enough to live in. These pieces of shits refuse because surprise surprise FREE government housing comes with RULES. And they don’t like that. They purposefully choose to live on the streets to be as much of a disturbance as possible. Fuck the homeless we should just kill them all.

this is what happens in a 99% white society

leftists would rather spend on tranny "sex reassignment" surgery instead of the homeless

If Finland was in South America it would get flooded with shitskins from all over the continent

but leftism created the homeless tho


“Barden (homeless) is one of those who slipped through the cracks. When the sweep came, he was offered a shelter referral, he said, but it didn’t feel viable for him.

“I did [talk to the HOPE team]. I stuck around, and I was able to talk to Bradley and stuff. He had discussed with me that there weren’t tiny homes available. There was a shelter available, but what he had explained was that you had to show up at a certain time. It wasn’t guaranteed if you were going to get a bed that night,” he said.

To say beggars can’t be choosers might be a little too on the nose in this instance, but that’s what Barden experienced. Technically, he counts as one of the Woodland Park campers who refused an offer of housing. That’s not how he sees it. He would have happily taken a tiny home placement.

These pieces of shits are literally homeless and still wanna bitch and moan about potentially free shelter. Fucking entitled sub humans

Government can choose who lives in poverty and who doesn't.

Euros literally can never understand American homeless people. They are so unbelievably fucked mentally there is no saving them. Watch YouTube videos of people driving through inner city ghettos and they look like fucking zombies shambling around on meth and heroin

Ok I'm homeless now, buy me a house.
>rents old house to some sucker

I hope everybody takes as much vaccines as possible. All taxes should be used for that and fat acceptance promotional efforts.

There are no 'homeless' people. The concept is deliberately misleading. These are lunatics and junkies. Not having a home isn't their problem. It's a consequence of their problem.

If you need armed collections to make it work then no it doesn't work.