Why do liberals have a lower IQ?

Why do liberals have a lower IQ?

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corn syrup

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their thinking is done for them in all areas of life. from what to eat to who to hate.

Because the study shows that to you.

90% of it is probably niggers

because they recategorized blacks and hispanics as liberal

More brown people. The Democratic base is wetbacks and niggers.

>Why do liberals have a lower IQ?
Mostly blacks and browns.

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They believe everything they see on TV.

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IQ is horseshit

It's because they are eating all the shit they get without questioning it. People of the opposition questioning questionable decisions will always remain more intelligent ones.

because they own the whole 13%

t. retard

Nice source.
So why are red states so much poorer than blue states?
Why do liberals rely on science and statistics while rednecks cope with conspiracies and grifters?

It's from a Certified """"Fact"""" Arbiter website.

Most scientifically valid thing in all of psychology (yeah yeah a lot of bunk in psychology, but being #1 is something extraordinary in any discipline)
It has extremely high predictive validity, more than most scientific theories generally. g is the best predictor of life success.
It has more reproducibility than mechanical engineering, to name one example.

>Why do liberals have a lower IQ?
Because retarded ideologies attract low IQ people.

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The intelligent 'liberals' now lean conservative.

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LIberals are midwits.

Tranny hormones lower iq by 15 points

>>Blacks vote Democrat roughly 95/5
>>"Liberals have lower IQ"
No shit

cause they are run by their feefees not by the meemees

Demographics and sex bring it down, id like a sampling between republican vs dem straight white males

pretty sure white liberals have 0 cognitive functions at this point in history

>Why do liberals rely on science and statistics

That proves you brainlets have no critical thinking capacity.

Nigger breeding.

The answer is specifically that niggers have an IQ average of 85 and 80% of them are staunch democrats.

Did this study have an controls for race?

>So why are red states so much poorer than blue states?
You need to define what counts as poor and rich first.

85 is generous even if it's partially dependant on their white admixture.

Skewed Harvard study as they allow dumb niggers to matriculate for Muh Diversity.

He's not conservative. He's an old liberal that realized all the shit he championed 30 years ago when the UK was 95% white is the reason the UK is now 83% white. He's trying to backtrack and make it 'cool' to be a socialist and a nationalist (but not in the Any Forums way) meanwhile Labour is a trannified version of the Tories and both parties are shit because Farage is a coward.

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No need for extra IQ when you cant think for yourself

It's only 88-9
Based niggers.

Because anti establishment types are now considered right wing and will likely vote red. The anti establishment types on the left are just retards that want an even stronger government to rule over them.

No, the Igbo of West Africa are 95~ on average. American niggers are just subhumans, even by african standards, descended from people who lost every war and were the equivalent of Indian Dalits. People fuckin wondering why Africa is shit and American nigs are even worse, but American nigs are literally slaves.

Like in Rwanda where the Tutsi have an average of 100 and got killed off by 70 IQ Hutus. The same dynamics playing out in Haiti with the elites regularly getting purged by voodoo nogs. Honestly Africa is a really crazy world, fuckin supernigs who are worth 5 normal nigs regularly getting murdered by the swarms of normal nigs seething that they were born not just as niggers but as the niggers of niggers.

Because climate change. Indigo children are special and sensitive to mother earth and her screams of agony. You would intentionally reduce your brain speed too if it meant we can cut the rapid temperature acceleration to save even just one dolphin from drowning on a shrinking iceberg adrift in the sea filled with trash and coal.
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Lol see ya
Bi bi
