What are the political implications of men becoming more and more feminine?

What are the political implications of men becoming more and more feminine?

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Thats mine turkish faggot

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Fuck off you fucking faggot.


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>man nipple

more bussy for high T males like me

They are filling a need left behind by stupid modern women.

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Faggots, you will never be women

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If you have to spam the board at least post someone pretty like Arielle

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Femboys aren't tranny's faggot
Learn culture

>Men are feminine
It you say it enough, it’s true!

You gotta admit
They have a point
Why can’t there be
Why doesn’t the right
It’s over
The vaccine dieoff
Mommy ______
You won’t do shit
Fuck around and find out
Why did capitalism fail?
This is the moment that made me a Democrat voter
There’s nothing you can do about it. :)
Why are conservatives so against education and science?
You guys are all going to get arrested
You are irrelevant.
They wont do shit.
Dark Brandon
When I was a Libertarian
Muh gunz
Take your meds
NOOOO you can't just investigate
Anybody else completely accept defeat?
Any Forums will defend this!
As a former
We’re fucked
Dabs on
I wish I were a woman
Are anti vaxxers retarded?
The left can’t me-
She’s right you know
Why is it so much harder to get a gf now a days?
He's not wrong
*Role play statement*
Why can't Americans figure out universal healthcare?
Let’s be honest
Why are white men so weak and pathetic like this?
Dear diary
Trannies have won
Dare I say
Trump’s going to prison
Why have grown men given up?
Christ cucks
Twitter screencap
Let's face it
We all know
It’s okay to
We lost

Any Forums has problems with nuance.

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Thats a man.

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I don't want to be a women, just to dominate a soft asian or white femboy in bed

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Lower-T societies are more successful than their higher-T counterparts.

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Mexico wtf

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Boimilk in my mouth!

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I am genuinely confused as to how a person can have so little muscle mass.

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>that womb tattoo
Damn, this little faggot really wants to be choked and dominated by a stronger male

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Wtf? Is there any nudes?


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I don’t want to be a woman. I want to (and do) come inside femboys.

it'd be cuter if he had a little more pec muscle.

holy fuck

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Are, but jannies ban me

That’s a fake map you retard

Why are you doing this OP.

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Discord tranny bot thread

They will be easier to conquer by those who have maintained their masculinity.
Violence is king.

It is implied they wear make-up and use Photoshop.

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I want to have a femboi slave that I can fuck whenever I want. Also have him clean my house.

>those leg muscles
Nigga, u gay.

good times create weak men
weak men create hard times
we're in late roman period

Hungry user?

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>pork buns
My penis can only get so erect

how do I get a girlfriend like this, Any Forums?

cock out pics?

A man knows more about make-up and food than a woman, but needless to say, it's a man, no feminine figure whatsoever.