Suggest other solutions to picrel other than immigrants...

suggest other solutions to picrel other than immigrants. Lack of workers is big problem here many shops aren’t operating full time anymore

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i guarantee there are people who applied for that job that have heard nothing

Employers offering higher wages to incentivize future employment
That’s how it’s supposed to work

i think a lot of it has to do with how people treat service workers like dogshit. nobody wants to get screeched at by karens, boomers, niggers, and management for poverty wages.

There isn’t a solution. People are gonna have to cope with the coming post-convenience economy.

I'll quit my job and work there for $150/hour.

>we NEEEEED an unending supply of criminals and welfare queens in order to support necessities like doordash and funko stores and all that other really important stuff.

here's the solution: less bullshit

Kill yourself

>flood country with foreign people
>demand and prices spike on everything
>low end jobs no longer offer livable wages
>people stop doing them

make unemployment benefits conditional, there are loads of unskilled service work like cashier etc. that you can basically demand any unemployed person to take or they will lose all of their benefits, that's partly what we do here and we don't have shit like that

A multi-pronged approach.
1. $50 mininum wage, no exceptions, no loopholes.
2. Triple the hourly rate for overtime hours. One nanosecond after shift ends is rounded up to a full overtime hour.
3. Castrate the 1st Amendment. Discussion about mininum wage is not legal anymore. Anyone who criticizes the minimum wage goes to prison for decades.
4. Minimum wage is adjusted to inflation every half year, with the minimum wage rate increased by a factor of 2 with respect to the inflation rate.
5. 40 days of paid vacation mandatory for every employer. The employer has no right whatsoever to withhold vacation. 24 hours of notice is sufficient. The employee does not ASK the employer for vacation, he INFORMS the employer. There are no exceptions, not even black sundays.
6 . Every employer has the right to additional days/weeks/months/years/decades off for unforeseeable circumstances, like paid maternal leave, family tragedies, care of an elderly relative, emotional trauma, etc.
7. Every company with 5 or more employees (not counting the owner) MUST have a union. One second of unionless business operation? Business foreclosed immediately.
8. Employees who have worked for more than 10 years for the same company, own a part of the company. No ifs, no buts. The size of the part depends on the total number of employees. This ownership isn't forfeited when the employee quits the job.

And that's for starters. That's not even the big solution. That's the bare minimum.

>nobody wants to work reee
>takes time off from running his own store

No dignity? No wages? No labor. If you don't like it you can cry more.

I am asking because I am an immigrant my self working as a car washer

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Based Austrian. Please continue.

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Stop the gibs

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Higher wages

Kill yourself shit skin

Better wages lol it’s that fucking simple

Raise prices and pay people more.

That store is owned and operated by immigrants already.

Nobody wants to work when there are generous gibs programs and better jobs elsewhere.

Actual wages.

Zoomers can make money on the internet. There is no solution these jobs are going to go away.

Offer a better deal, fucktard

Supply of workers < demand for workers = raise your fucking wages and compete for them. That's how the market works. Businesses refuse to do this because of the crutch of cheap migrant labor. In the end the answer is still immigration; reverse immigration and kicking all of them out.

It's also possible that these businesses are run by deranged leftists who are trying to mandate dangerous mRNA injections for their employees, in which case they deserve to fail due to lack of willing lab rats.

FUCK Farhaven and FUCK everyone south of the greenbelt.

>Get back to work goys!
>My wife and kids were promised another yacht trip around the Bahamas.
>Sorry we cant afford raises right now