More than half the world is black, Indian, or Chinese

>more than half the world is black, Indian, or Chinese
how does this make you feel?

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Fine, I'm not racist. I just think its board is funny.

It makes me wonder unironically why white people invented 97%+ of the shit we use today and why are their accomplishments so modest in comparison?

Pretty based, ngl. The age of whitoids is over.

>overwhelmingly outnumbered
>still BTFO the world and shape it to your will

Great I wish the cumskins chinks and niggers just die off

And with 99% of white girls going exclusively for black and brown guys, that number is only going to increase.

>It makes me wonder unironically why white people invented 97%+ of the shit
You mean steal. Also most of it was created by Jews jizznegros are too subhuman to create anything


I feel lucky I was born white


t. indian


apart from chinks which can cause major damage, we could wipe up all blacks and indians in an afternoon


No it’s not, we still live like kings and run the entire world while you starve and die and get raped in your disease ridden poor shitskin countries

Idk, don't interact with negroids much. Literally never had a conversation with one.

>"I feel lucky I was born white"

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Half of human history's population in any time period was Chinese + Indian
that's nothing new
statistically speaking of you pick a random human from any point throughout humanity's existence there is a good chance that person would be either Chinese or Indian

nice cope

not even major leftists go for poos and niggers

literally only obese white women and mentally ill girls with daddy issues *which go for niggers. Leaving almost 0 for poos

Every poo chick has miles of white cock in her if she spends some time in the west. They literally ignore all poos unless they are forced to marry by her family kek

I have seen this, i personally fucked 5 of them in Paris.

>Greedy white man is he does not have enough land despite having majority populations om every single continent
Since you feel like lumping every brown skin under the samd umbrella race, congrats youre jewish since jews have white skin
You played yourself retard

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You mean jews lol
You're just a braindead serf

Best girl

>we still live like kings and run the entire world
That's the jews faggot, you're a serf living in debt without prospects of ever buying a home, let alone starting a family lmao

Genuinely bro, what's the explanation? Why did poos literally sit in their shit for literal millenia before white people came and gave them modernity? There's literally billions of you yet uve never produced a scientist like Newton or any number of pivotal white figures throughout the centuries. It's not wealth, many of the best white inventors were poor af. It's not colonisation, that was only a brief period of your history and both before and after you guys have done literally fuck all. Ramanujan is the only Indian I can think of that even slightly compares to whites desu. And that's like a literal 1 in a several billion person. There are home in London where the few brilliant people who lived there throughout the years have accomplished 10 or 20 times what India has, and that's just like 5 or 6 notable people. Genuinely why is it like this?

>white people
That's jews you swarthy serf.

Look, I can only comment on what reality dictates and whites rule is just the way it is. Don't get butt blasted because ur some shitskin whose ancestors accomplished nothing except for being colonised by Chad whites. Be glad that no doubt because of the amount of hot sex the colonisers had with your native women that chances are there's a little white in you too son.

Look, I can only comment on what reality dictates and jews rule is just the way it is. Don't get butt blasted because ur some swarthy serf whose ancestors accomplished nothing except being the golems for Chad Khazars. Be glad that no doubt because of the amount of hot sex the Khazars had with your native women that chances are there's a little jew in you too son.

So I'm a minority? Fuck yeah where is my privilege

If they stayed out of Finland it would not bother me at all, I'm never going to Africa, India or China so it doesn't matter to me if there are 200 or 20 billion of them

(You) get to pay more takes goy