What's your take on this? Does he need the money to Save America?

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Being rich and having 50 million dollars in assets doesn't mean you have 50 million dollars. It means you have a 50 million dollar business and about a million in spending money.

>no refunds

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Gib monies plox

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America is beyond saving but I hope he gets lots of money and wins again to make people mad

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The raid couldn't have been better publicity.

don't know bro, why don't you ask rachel maddow?

what a disgrace of a country, i guess it was always like that but i refuse to see it for what it was.
i'll start selling meth to fuck it up further if i can

OK, Winred. I'll tell you the same thing I tell Shareblue.
Go fuck yourself. You're the enemy of the people and I look forward to meeting you on the field of battle.

He can liquidate at any time. Rich is rich. He doesn't need this money, he just knows his merry retards will foot the bill.

It's literally discussed in US history class. Political machines. We didn't start the fire

When your enemies strategy is to bankrupt you via the judicial system taking donations is a good way to force them to file 10,000+ documents a week to the court to stay ahead of your fundraising to pay lawyers.

That's not the mindset of a rich person. Liquidating is killing your life's work.

>What's your take on this?
This was inevitable.
>Does he need the money to [save] America?
Are there any other answers, actually?

Dude im more than happy to donate to the enemies of the FBI/CIA/DOJ

Leftwingers turned into the party of bootlickers

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How do we know he isn't one of them?
>Because, look what they done did to him
But, how do we know it's not a charade?
Just want to know as a disillusioned pseudoanon

why does this nigger need any one elses money. fuck him. you got money nigger

Imagine being grifted by your savior and ex president

I just finished watching breaking bad, you could make a lot of money doing that. I don't understand why Trump doesn't just sell meth too. He could make like a signature orange meth. And the media would be all like "orange meth bad".

Gofundme shuts down fundraisers for orphaned families and this shit stays up

lol any chance to milk the retards for more, that's hilarious