Russia on suicide watch

Russia on suicide watch

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Not my problem

Didnt the russians say that if they attacked crimea they would nuke kiev?

wait hold on, didn't Russian MoD say there was no serious damage or losses?

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This is gonna end badly

Based. Slava Ukraini!

vatniks can go fuck themselves
crimea is ukraine
death to r*ssia

Last I heard it was an accidental discharge
fucking smokers, first Moskwa now this

>~10 aircraft
>massive Soviet stockpile
>everything Russia built since 91
The Ukrainians could have a friendly fire incident and it would be declared a massive strategic victory.

"No aviation, equipment was damaged"
MOD didn't lie, they forgot punctuation

They don't have nukes. All a bluff.

>losing half a billion worth of aviation equipment is fine
Russia has no air superiority over contested area, soon it won't have air superiority over Crimea lmao

>Russian MoD


You are coping harder than ethnic Russians, congrats! Keep on the good work, comrade!

Trying to play the losses game with a nation with massive stockpiles while your own is pretty much entirely reliant on drip feeding o foreign equipment is not a winning strategy.

Wait I thought Russia was winning? I think, I don’t know anymore

And you guys want a second civil war? lol

What kind of strike it was?

Surely this will make them pack up their bags and go home and give all the territory back

>no aircraft were damaged
>no casualties
Russians lie more than Jews.

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Bit of a difference to Russia and Ukraine grinding each other to dust as one throws decades of surplus at western autistic backing. And a asymmetric civil war between a regime that is falling apart with total control of every branch and agency and random guerrillas which it has already proven to be shit at fighting