Just build your own inter-

Just build your own inter-
Uh oh

Attached: file.png (1157x898, 715.12K)

Attached: CBF53D39-B4C2-4C55-9D6A-52B31E9FE51A.jpg (480x270, 36.67K)


>Government gives white man 2.6 billion dollars to fuck with

why does this not surprise me

Very based!

From government, so just another controlled opposition cia nsa front corporation

Doesn't mean anything because, these days, everyone has a price.

This is extremely based
t.network engineer for a large type-1 carrier

Why does this not surprise me

Million, user. Not billion. Thats 3 obama hotdog parties.

In a few years he'll be forced to sell it all to the ISP cartel

Normally they sue the ever living crap out of you. That is how they keep this from happening.

And if the government is giving him money and allowing him to expand, he's probably already bought and paid for.

exactly, he's just building alot of infrastructure for them on the cheap.

>Cmon You knew a nigger would never take a project like this on


Massive kek. I am going to start measuring things in this.

He didn't build it. He bought ip address blocks and back boned off another ISP. In all fields. It's the same as me purchasing bandwidth from a internet company and ip blocks and saying "look look I built muh own internet"

>no link
>no names
>no source
>rural Amerimutt story
>smallprint: Amerimutt regime funded projected to lay some cabels connecting country goys to Amerimutt regime controlled internet
Why do Amerimutt shill farms even bother with these Euro and South American proxies?

Can i get the article??

Attached: 10810312_never asked for this.jpg (1280x720, 157.56K)

niggers can't read

your post suggests that he is working against the government and their corporate masters, but the screenshot says the government is helping him.
you suck OP