Finally they're doing something with the ghislaine maxwell list

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the flight log isn't the black book. There's no end to leftist stupidity.

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

wasn't the judge who ordered the raid in the book? i can accept trump is a nonce, he's rich after all, but it seems as though most prominent figures in american politics featured in that book and the chattel only focus on the ones on the 'other team.'
same in britain, really. the labour chattel talk about the nonces of parliament and ignore the rotherham gangs or the grandees who marched with nambla and groups like it in the 70s, the tory chattel talk about the queer groomers while ignoring people like cyril smith.
imo people, for all their loose talk, want to be ruled and abused by some insane sadist. to witness or be in the presence of power matters more to most than wielding it for themselves, all they want is to know that the ruler is big and strong, what he does with them is neither here nor there. lostprophets groupies, one and all

Trump is in the book
So is anyone worth knowing

Doesn't mean Epstein talked to them
It was just a phone directory to utilise of useful people

Oh you know who's in the book?
You might wanna send that to the news

>flies dozen times on Epsteins private child fucker jet

>the pedo island for shabbos goy flight list isn't the blackbook!

lmao keep defending these shitstains you golem

How come Trump only flew one time on Epstein's plane, from south Florida to New York, with no one on it? How come Clinton flew 28 times on Epstein's plane without security detail and definitely had sex with underage children and has never been charged?

Are you retarded?
The unredacted version was leaked.

>with no one on it?

>Doesn't mean Epstein talked to them
but in Trumps case he did

The pilot's own testimony. No, not going to dig it up for you.

>Oh no another delusional fact from a faggot
Wow we're done here this fag solved it.

Show me where he was on that plane more than once.

By that logic, it should be "Chuck's Fuck and Snuck".

Prove it

He also freely talked to investigators and banned Epstein from his functions.
But go ahead and keep pretending you're on the right side.

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>for some reason trump being in the book proves it's real
mkay this will be used against you shills

>They don't know
Yeah that was proven false the same day

>Charlie Kirk
>Promotes butt sex and child tranny molestation
>Calls others perverts

there are videos of them talking at mar a lago

dont embarass yourself this is no mystery

so you admit Im right
you know if he had anything to offer to investigators it was because he was involved with Epstein right ?

post the video. trump apparently banned epstein from mar a lago because he molested some girl. how old are these vids anyway?

depends on what you mean by involved. did he know epstein? yes, clearly. did he pursue a close friendship with him? no. did he visit the island? no.
lets see your flag, by the way. if you really are russian then you can't talk down to anyone about pedos in government lmao

Trump is a bitch ass nigga for not lowering the age of consent during his term.