Diversity is utter bullshit

When will people stop pretending that race doesn't matter?

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people respect authority, they follow whatever the authority tells them

Diversity means no straight white males

I am a gay white male.. I am ok?

Keep discussing it, keep thinking about it, keep being distracted by it.

Whatever it takes for you not to think about the JQ.

Fags are half of diversity, you and pedos. The other half is non white.

Diversity has been a lie from the beginning. Thats why they call towns that have turned to be overwhelmingly one foreign group such as somali, paki, etc. " Vibrant and diverse". "Diversity" is code for less whites.

Diversity implies race matters. It’s very pseud

If I take a 100 white people and add 50 brown yellow whatever color people. Have I gotten rid of white people?

>vibrant and diverse
Newspeak for crime-ridden, third world shithole.

I think a large portion of white people are going to cling to that idea until the bitter end
they have had literally an entire lifetime of globohomo propaganda
their entire world view is built on false ideals
but I still think most of them would prefer to go down with the ship
because to open your mind and change how you look at the world is just too scary for them
they also probably think they won't get punished if they cuck hard enough

>they also probably think they won't get punished if they cuck hard enough
almost makes you want to make sure they do

>When will people stop pretending that race doesn't matter?
As soon as they outnumber you.

When they will understand that human biodiversity and the right to Speciation of human sub-species, are more precious than Jewish dreams of "return to the Source" and a downgrading unification.

Diversity motherfuckers are grifters. We were close to solving this shit in couple of generations, but "Ze Evil Capitalizm" needed their divide and conquer tactics.

Whites seem to see color the moment their previously White area starts to have more than 10% of non-whites. They dont necessarily tell anyone they're racist, they just decide to flee away because of "socio-economic factors" or "bad housing policy". Note that 10% is more than it sounds because about 1/3 of sheeple are elderly while as much as half of the born, children and "youth" might be shitskins.

When you ask them do they still think the system is generally fair even after taxing 80% of income and flooding an area with drugs and niggers in sometimes less than a decade, they still feel loyalty or go silent. "Well the goverment taught me to read and write and paid some of my dental bills so it's all good."

When all the whites are dead and niggers start killing jews

Why do you hate White people? Try being less anti-White.

The majority of white people who want diversity are just doing it for their careers. They go with the flow, hoping it improves their position. I hate these people more than anything.

Race doesn't matter. The left wants you to think race matters because it falls into their worldview, fucking dipshit

It's more like
>have 100 white people
>add 50 nogs
>take resources from the white people to give to the nogs
>don't punish the nogs for attacking/raping/murdering the white people
>take more resources from the white people because muh socio economic factors and raycism
>surviving white people want to move away because they're tired of the taxes and violence