Germany is f**cked

So... what are the political implications of this?

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none at all because all measures have already been challenged.
pointless scaremongering over nothing.

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Lets hope so.

Can't wait to march on mondays again fren

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One sperg will snap this winter

Well if you need a passport to go shitting then the politicians are afraid of something or someone concrete, what else?


>none at all because all measures have already been challenged.
by who?? The courts don't care they are corrupt and will let the government do what ever it wants.

>the corona warn app
the one not even vaxxies installed?

imagine having bluetooth enabled on your phone

Coronacircus is fake and gay. With the beginning of the war, people just took masks off and all shops cancelled all corona-related limitations. And... nothing happened. Coronavirus just disappeared.

Indeed. As soon as npcs refuse to follow. It's suddenly gone.

we only have masks indoors for people who are not recovered or vaxxed, no lockdowns, test only for visits in hospitals
comlete pointless shit, so its a nothingburger

>who are not recovered or vaxxed
I am one of those why do I need to wear a cuckmask despite having a superior immune system?
>test only for visits in hospitals
so I can't even visit my grandma now? How is that a nothingburger.

WHITE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!

12 spergs will snap this october

for now, cant they just do a lockdown again in fall?

ah, but Trump was Hitler, not Lauterbach

see this is why anyone hates the western leaders

for now

can? they will.
thats something some anons dont get, coof is not over, its just a break befor they go for their next push. this time it will hit alot harder. just look all the lovely tools they installed meanwhile, china soon becomes jealous.

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>you are here
Retards like you deserve everything that's coming for them. Shame for the non- retarded though.

checked & based