How do we solve the problem of cousin marriage with Muslim immigrants?

It produces retarded children which over-burdens the welfare state.

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i'd fuck one of my cousins she has huge tits

You don't. This is what you get.

on dat dere zikabrain

I'm into incest, and cousincest has like a 1% increase in fucked up kids from the average birth. Which is still less than the fucked-up-kid rate of inter-racial kids. The problem with fucking your cousin as a staple of culture is that the inbreeding stacks. It isn't just your cousin now, it's your cousin squared. Now it's cousin cubed. That's why southerners just have kissin' cousins. No sex, just a kissin' cousin.
>You fix it by stopping
You need to be, like, 3rd or 4th cousins to completely avoid inbreed stacking.

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My dads a Rat (SRS)

let them inbreed to death

let me introduce your new doctor, former nasa scientist and rocket engineer, paki mongoloid man

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he has potential

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There's a kid that looks exactly like that where I live. He acts like a monkey. I helped his mom or caretaker at a store I used to work at. I tried telling a dumb joke to make him laugh and he stared right through me. He wasn't human.

Deportation(into the sea)

They're not the result of incest but kids who are forced to wear a cage so there head forms like that. Look up "rat children of Pakistan". Very cruel stuff.

Even without incest, arabs and turks would be retarded in comparison to further advanced ethnicities like han-chinese.

So this is why they wear burkas

not my problem

Its the duty of the white man to breed with and impregnate as many muslimas as possible in order to de-inbred them and improve their genetic stock. I will happily be the first volunteer in the muslim gene improvement program.

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Stop paying for all benefits for the children of cousin marriage, other than euthanasia
The Muslims get that and abortions in spades.

>in order to de-inbred them
It doesn't work like that. The idea of "washing out" degeneracy is false. Instead, you proliferate degeneracy throughout your own gene-pool, just look at the vast numbers of Whites who have Jews, or other non-Europeans, in their bloodlines, then tell me that they're ultimately not weak, degenerate filth who welcome destruction. The one-drop rule doesn't always apply, but one-drop is all it takes.

That and to hide the fat

It’s very simple, don’t let them enter our countries.

Mix raced people who enter white countries will make white countries worse, but if they stay in their own countries then they will make them better

wrong, it is incest.

Let them make themselves retarded
Why do you care

Exactly. It's best for mutts and jew-nigger lovers to be deported our of white countries, making a semi-functional periphery that can incrementally improve non-white "countries", gradually turning the planet white, because even some partially white freak, or a white leftist/civ-nat is better than any purebred non-white. You basically render the non-white countries into crypto-gulags.

That’s just a Jew user

Quit posting dune cune factory reject kikes. They are completely irrelevant.


Just suck it up until their species dies out.

Don't think we can do anything, as it's part of their religion.

We should ban them from entering our nations, for this and many other reasons.

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I’m just gonna say it: there is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking your cousin. Why do other Whites have to always overthink things? It’s embarrassing desu, we’re literally the only race of people naive enough to think you can form a lasting bond with someone you have nothing in common with.


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