I fixed europe

No need to thank me

Attached: 1660107314303.jpg (450x456, 82.3K)

American here, what did you change?

>Belgium exists
Not enough

He changed Europe.

someone post the map where germany is replaced with the European Sea of Tranquility

>Serbia stills exists
Not good enough

I fixed europe

Attached: europe.jpg (2560x1958, 638.64K)

>tell me you're a bozgor without telling me you're bozgor

How about this?

Attached: Europe_1878_map_en.png (2284x1503, 1019.88K)

Finally free from this hellhole


Too much ottoman


Attached: 3345terdg2.png (5976x4374, 894.48K)

thank me later

Attached: 1455674184851.png (1258x1236, 141.95K)


I fixvd it.

Attached: hb.png (1024x765, 413.66K)

Someone spent time to make this niggershit

Venice is an Austrian city

This map is as valid and sensical as the rest. That's how retarded this shit always is.

Yeah well, if only they had been men enough to take it, eh?

Attached: 2fe.jpg (480x575, 251.42K)

You can always go back to china is you don't like it here

>turks not pushed back to the bosporus

Where's Finland?

Man hope you are jocking. This is Europe pre WW1

what kind of water fanatic are you

austria should take south german empire, all involved know its better that way and we could have discussion if kingdom of spain is necessary or if we find other solution for this problem

>montenegro, albania and belgium
Come on.