There will never be a civil war

You cucks will take it up the ass and beg for more.
Because you always do. Every fucking time.
If a blatantly stolen election wasn't enough, nothing will be.

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Any Forums is a board of peace

Don't want the time? Don't do the crime.

Shouldn't have rigged the election in 2016 because your micro-dicked tiny handed ego was afraid of losing to a boss babe old woman Donnie. Shouldn't have taken CLASSIFIED info from the WH so you could store it in your fake gold plated safe Donnie.

Thank god we have a REAL president now that won't pander to the futile populism fix of a large plurality of undesirables within this country, and isn't afraid to use law enforcement to put an end to the MAGA cancer eating away at the majestic tapestry that is our democracy. America is back!

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KYS glownigger

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More importantly, the scant few who do ANYTHING AT ALL will be killed by state forces and then mocked, reviled, and hated as "glowniggers" and "qoomers" by their own side.

The jews are stirring up another civil war amongst the goyim to kill each other, I wonder if they will oblige once again

There is a line that once crossed will have horrible consequences, no one can be bullied, manipulated, and have their rights chipped away at forever.

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who cares

0/10 bait

I know. I actually want the communist revolution so I can watch all the lefties get shot while I labor in the American gulag.

Gee whiz, if we just let groomers do as they please things would be reasonable!

Correct. There's no need for one. "Regressive," conservatism will win. If you implement what the left wants, then the left will mutilate and kill itself in large numbers, whether through transitioning or through abortion. Meanwhile, even if white conservatism loses, we will regress nonetheless, whether its from the Catholic Mexicans, or the Islamic community, who have absolutely no tolerance for their heresy, but instead are voting for gibs. Once those run out, so does any support from these groups.

Is he wrong though?

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You cucks will take it up the ass and beg for more.
Because you always do. Every fucking time.
If a blatantly stolen election wasn't enough, nothing will be.

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Some things are worth dying for, you know. Well you probably don't know that because you're a coward, but some of us do know it.

Stupidest statements ever along with
>"There will never be another market crash"
>"They're aren't trying to take your guns"
>"They're a woman if they say they are"

Yes they can lmao. It has happened to people before us, and it will happen a few centuries after we are gone.

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Well then go kill redcoats you do nothing faggot. But instead you’re going to sit in your living room churning through commercials just for Tucker to tell you to be angry but complacent.

You’re right, there won’t be a civil war. The 2-party divide and conquer system will fall apart….there’s gonna be a revolution.

>kill the red coats
252 pounds
come and take pussies

Christ you people have zero education on American history and it shows. lol

Come here and seethe more though, it's funny.

Why fight when the enemy is destroying itself

You could unironically invade and try taking our guns again and this time you'd meet no resistance. They'd try to vote you back to England in rigged elections.

im not australian im not gonna role play with you mutt that was a direct challenge come to england and ill fuck you up

>Catholic Mexicans
>the Islamic community
>have absolutely no tolerance for their heresy
oh yeah lets just ignore all the cartels and bachi bazi stuff

I've never left America and I probably never will. There are dragons out there.

There doesn’t need to be a civil war to begin with….
…there needs to be a revolutionary war

I will be in the hallway faggot

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