Why do we pretend the elite are invincible?

Why do we pretend the elite are invincible?

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I miss based Abe. Instead of "You will eat ze bugs" he told men "They will have ze family".

Because you're conditioned to? How else would they have such a iron lease on us?

We don't.
We aren't.

Because it’s easier than admitting were cowards that will never lift a finger to change anything we complain about

he was just a man, a man who wanted a future for his people.
That's why he was standing out on a street speaking to like 50 people with no security

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Not sure, tell the schizos to target cops, politicians, and other traitors to our country instead of school children. Things might get better then

>all my enemies are dying of old age but i swear we dont

I do because cops would show up at my door if I were to talk about Justin's mortality on hardcore in minecraft.

they are. he got set up

Why was the head of Nintendo murdered?

Be the change you want to see in the world

Why do you pretend you favor chaos to stability, faggot?

Implying they are dying but we are pretending they aren't dying?
Are they dying or not?

most people aren't willing to lose their freedom and families

Ah, if only it were that simple... world would be a fucking utopia.

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Greedy jews took over and installed a corporate drone in his place

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What about billionaires?

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go back, are the same type of queer posting that “lmao even!” shit?
OP posted abe getting whacked by a neet, showing they’re not even slightly untouchable. You’re saying you don’t treat your abe’s like they’re invincible, yet your abe’s are dying of old age. So you obviously do.

Why would they target their own handlers?

Why do you pretend politicians are the elite?

Shooting people in Japan is easy. There's no crime so nobody expects it.

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>Explains the plot
>I swear it's funny you just didn't get it

> young jews and mongols aren’t as horrible as the older ones