My fellow patriots, the FBI raiding Trump means WAR! Now please buy my merch

>My fellow patriots, the FBI raiding Trump means WAR! Now please buy my merch

The absolute state of the conservative movement

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At this point Steven Crowder/Ben Shapiro/Jack Posobiec migamutts are more annoying than liberals and definitely worse than leftists.


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He looks like he's got some extra chromosomes

Shapiro is thoroughly unlikeable.


Watched Crowder for the first time in 4 years and couldn't even get through 10 minutes. So whiny and ranty, all about the dumbest shit. Ben Shapiro is a predictable jew but at least he can make points without sounding like he's about to fuckin cry and then try to sell me a fuckin mug.

How scared would this pussy be if an actual hot war broke out

What a fucking faggot.

Conservatives are trash. Pol is not Conservative.


the captalist white-wing in a nutshell

He’s Canadian lol he should go honk in Ottawa

no one is gonna do shit. My fellow white people are pussies who deserve to be tortured and replaced for their goddamn weakness!

>Over 30 minutes without a second post

the other day i turned on AM radio and heard Rudy Guliani doing a commercial selling MyPillow slippers. i really dont understand it; does he need the money or something? he has to be worth millions - why wouldnt you just retire and live your life with dignity?


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Rush Limbaugh had private jets, yacths, mansions, servants, you name it. Half of his radio show was ads and then he would do these iphone shill giveaway nonsense for over an hour. I couldn't understand why anyone would listen to this grifter.
>let me break it down for you
>after the break
>*break ends*
>the democrats are le evil and bad
>now how about these iphones

You’re not wrong

This is the reason I outright refuse to pay attention to anything that has ads, ESPECIALLY if they are also shilling the whole subscription/patreon/subscribestar..

If its a random one-off, I just pause it immediately and then fast forward to whenever the ad ends.

Yes they are. They are gate keepers. They prevent anything of effect being done.

Fucking kek

i can see why so many in history just avoided debates and just went straight to killing with political stuff

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He would likely flee the country.


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