Poland pre-WW2 was a shithole you wouldn't even imagine. When Soviet Union took it over after the war...

Poland pre-WW2 was a shithole you wouldn't even imagine. When Soviet Union took it over after the war, they electrified Poland. In 1950 only 20% of Polish households had elecricity. In 1967 it was 81%. Soviets also built commie blocks that half of Poles live in to this day. Other half lives in post-German tenements. Poland also had no military equipment. They were fighting tanks with cavalry, kek. Military equipment was also given to them by Soviets.

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Turn the proxy off vatnigger

>They were fighting tanks with cavalry
Those horses pulled canons and howitzers, you know that right?

morda, szmato

Hes right. Poland was economically worse than the Soviet Union.

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Sure sure Ivan
sage faggot

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Ale ból dupy o fakt że zanim Sowieci ucywilizowali Polskę to była tu jebana Afryka xD Teraz Polin znów się cofnie o 50 lat do tyłu przez jebanych Ukraińców

Get the fuck out of Polska you hohol fuck

Chociaż w euro ci płacą?

Zarabiam w złotówkach a co? Hrywny lepsze?

jews hate poland

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Damn, we were the lowest of the low.

Germany in alliance with Russia occupied Poland for 123 years before WW2. Germans and Russians are just common thieves, degenerate BYDLO, not humans. Nothing changed today.

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jews hate everyone

he is paid in shekels

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We can’t speak kurwanigger and my babcia is dead. What did you say

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sounds about right

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poor jew

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>Zarabiam w złotówkach
No to cie oficer prowadzący wykiwał

I'll take this bait. Technically you're correct. It's hard not to start from shithole status when you had a maneuver war roll over you twice, then another war roll over half the country. The fact we got to the point of others declaring a war in our defense is a good result already.
Then you get another war with one in six Poles dead and no Stalin to "fix" the country with slave labor, and you get 1950s. And all the commies got us was total bankrupcy and sale of everything in 1990. Us being way better off now than today's Ukraine is a good result in circumstances like these.
tl;dr idź spać dziecko, jutro masz szkołę.