I dont talk to Europeans

I dont talk to Europeans.
I dont care about Europeans
I hope every single European muslim tranny faggot kills themselves.

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cost of living is cheap, healtchare is free, public transport is cheap, we are white, there are relatively few niggers compared to US

Can any Spanions tell us what's up in Bilbao?

Shutup you wet blanket

>pretends not to care
>makes thread about us

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I care. You doin' good man? What's happening in your life right now. You can tell me your troubles.

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You've personally made America hate threads kek

How much is the Burger, Gomez?

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>mexican american makes a thread about europe to say he doesnt talk about europe
wow groundbreaking, pablo

>I hope every single European muslim tranny faggot kills themselv-ACK!

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Shalom rabbi

The only thing I read here is that you're white. Other than that I dont care.

That map is fucking hilarious. Eurofags are embarrassingly poor.

They're occupied by Jews user, stop mocking them, we're gonna be there soon.

>healtchare is free
No it isn't. Someone is paying for it.

>Chinese pajeet replies to thread about Europe by American
You're not even American or European.

it's not that they are poor, but they don't have niggers and israel to maintain

>t. a mixed race costco employee living on credit taking out loans every other day while living in a racial jungle
kek, if your homeland was in europe, and you saw it for yourself, you'd realize how little your jewish greenbacks matter, wetback

and it's worth it, at least in some western countries, definetely not here

Piedmont niggers explain yourselves

>i only know two minorities that live in canada
>therefore i call dem dat
you're more likely to be a nigger than any canadian is likely to be a chink or a pajeet, same goes for europe, and that factor triples when you add in spics.

>I dont talk to Europeans.
>I dont care about Europeans
>Thinks he's "american"
Americans are in reserves, you're of european descent maybe, or more probably just a nignog, mutt, russian or jewish

You're kidding right? Youre country is worse than America because you have Pajeets and Chinese literally everywhere dumb faggot kill yourself.

Genoa was always a rich city. Like the Venice of the other half.

>Youre country is worse
>you have pajeets and chinese!
so i'm guessing you're a spic trying to cope, but we have less than 10% of either, while your entire country is FLOODED with niggers, spics and all sorts of mystery meat.
>dumb faggot kill yourself
as opposed to you being killed by a nigger wanting your triple XL sweatshirt kek

Do you live in north dakota or somethin'? We have spics and niggers everywhere.

The jews

In America we only have niggers because of slavery and that was Jews and we only have spics because were right next to Mexico.

Canada only has pajeets and chinese because Canadians are cucks who dont care about all their entire country being flooded with pajeets and chinese.

i feel for the white burgers who have to deal with disgusting spics like the OP co-opting their flag to try to spread anti-white propaganda

>In America we only have niggers because of slavery
nope, those are your OG niggers, not the somalis i saw flooding Minnesota just the other month
>we only have spics because were right next to mexico
and because you allow them to flood the border you retard, what the fuck is your point or logic to this statement?
>Canada only has pajeets and chinese because Canadians
it's because of H1B visa immigration and yes it's bad, but still not as bad as your nigger and spic problem, but as you're a spic, you'll cope & shit out some nonsense about how you have niggers because of SLAVERY LMAO

Gook Moot should hire me specifically to go to people's houses and decide if they should be able to post.

You know nothing leaf. You're country is far worse than America and I feel bad for any Canadian who comes to defense of Europoors and starts spouting spics and niggers at Americans.

but wait, theres more!
>There are 2.7 million Indian immigrants in the United States, making them the second-largest immigrant group after Mexicans.
>The 2016 Community Survey of the US Census estimates a population of Chinese Americans of one or more races to be 5,081,682.

if you were an honest, white, hardworking american you'd be commiserating with your ethnic brothers and recognizing each other, but instead you use all of those hispanic brain cells to try to fabricate some fantasy land where your country isn't filled to the brim with dim witted niggers & other mysterious mutts like yourself

>You're country is far worse than America
this is the second time you've said "you are country" maybe you're not hispanic afterall and are just a nigger
> who comes to defense of Europoors
i only come to point out you are absolutely filled with niggers and a good chunk of the mutt posters even here are low IQ spic manlets, like you have proven