Trumphumpers on suicide watch

Tired of losing yet magapedes????

Attached: אינטערנעט פאָרום4chan(1).jpg (907x662, 112.22K)

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what wins did he score?
does that article mention any?

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Okay Groomer

>kike journos post bait
>Bunkertrannies eat it up and run to Any Forums
One would say pottery, I say commit suicide before you're doxxed and found :^)

no, just that things seem to be looking up for him.

What did he win? Free Ice Cream?

That file name

>hits rock bottom
>it's all lookin up from here

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Hamfisted propaganda isn't demoralizing. It's honestly just fucking sad. The complete and utter incompetence of this administration that they can't even astroturf a meme without it being glaringly obvious just makes them look that much more pathetic.

Honestly I hate Trump but these guys are securing my Trump vote in 2024 because I want to vote for literally anyone that isn't a Democrat now.

So desperate

>signs law into place involving tech he doesn't even understand
>gas prices drop slightly from fucking expensive to just regular expensive, despite mainstream media assuring us for months that the president doesn't control the economy
OMG Bidenbros we fixed the country! YAAAS KWEEN

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>in the dark Brandon

Attached: In the dark Brandon.png (909x782, 590.52K)

Rumor has it, America has 6 million jews now. Sure would be a tragedy if something were to happen to them.

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This is so fucking inorganic holy shit lol

That was me in 2016, he banned CRT (which brandon immediately reinstated) so he is already the greatest president of my lifetime. I don't regret voting for him. I can't say the same about faggot RINOs I voted for though (Hogan)

Join the other 40% troon.

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kek. Good eyes.

Jew york slimes - LMAO! Thanks for the laugh groomer

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show flag khazar