Perfect women don’t ex-

Perfect women don’t ex-

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>chasing vanity and ego on the internet

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she had an onlyfans but stopped cause it wasn't very popular.

now shes back on the slow grift

that's a man

Kids are niglets arent they?


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It's called vanity, simpleton. You have no idea what she is like in everyday life beyond the fact she's vain.

>on social media
Nice try retard

>attention whore on instagram

You're making that up, aren't you? If so, you don't understand women as well as you think you do.

>Miss USA 2004


>uses instagram

>muh trad
you fell for a meme


hannah barron is the ideal women, lets be honest.

Kek. Instagram whore. Ok riddle me this anons. I met a 25 year old white, green eyed dirty blonde with pink highlights, flower tattoos on her arms, one bull ring in each nostril. She’s the coolest chick I’ve met in years, and actually pretty based for a girl. We are going out this Friday. What do? Pump and dump or try for a future wife? She’s like a walking contradiction, I’m confused

Don't pump and dump (objectively bad for the woman's reproductive prospects, and therefore, the future of society) or immediately go for future wife. Tease out the contradiction, keep one eye on the door.


It makes no difference what you do.

Neither. Just go on a date. Don't even think of fucking until you've been on more than one date. Use the first date to determine her attraction type so you know whether you're willing to or able to be that character type.
Some attraction types aren't marriable by default because they're too much of a pain in the ass to maintain or run too high a risk of them getting bored. The sooner you can figure that out the better.