Midterm Primary Elections General- /mpreg/

Post FBI Raid Edition

Evening guys! After yesterday's chaos with the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, we've got another batch of primaries tonight. This one won't be as big of a night as last week, but there are a few key races to watch and it will be interesting to see if there's a massive surge in Republican turnout in response to what happened. Allegedly, a lot of swampy RINOs and independents are really starting to wake up even in Congress according to Matt Gaetz.

We've got Vermont (first to close right now at 7 EST), Connecticut at 8 EST, then Wisconsin and Minnesota at 9 EST.

GOP turnout will almost certainly outnumber the Democrats in WI, but watch how much it is and how much the Trump endorsed candidates do. Also watch if they get strong turnouts in MN and CT. I don't anticipate VT to be relevant for obvious reasons, they may have a higher GOP turnout because their governor is technically a Republican, but we'll keep an eye on it anyway.

Attached: primaries 8.9.22.png (7120x4200, 228.65K)

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Summary of candidates for tonight:
>WI Gov race between Rebecca Kleefisch (Clay-fish) and Tim Michels (Michaels). Michels is endorsed by Trump and is sort of an outsider, Kleefisch had a good record as Lt Gov but was endorsed by Pence. Polls have this race extremely tight, but there's a chance Michels outperforms after the possibility of us seeing something similar to what happened in the Lake v Robson race.
>RINO House speaker Robin Vos is up against a Trump endorsed challenger Adam Steen
>SoS race, Trump endorsed Jay Schoeder I think
>MN Gov: Scott Jensen is okay from what I hear
>MN AG: Doug Wardlow is better from what I hear, but is an underdog against someone endorsed by the state GOP. If someone knows more about this and can vouch for this guy that'd be appreciated
>MN-1 Special: Brad Finstad (R) running in this race to replace Jim Hagedorn who died earlier this year
>MN-5: Royce White is unironically a fully awakened black man, rejects IDpol, acolyte of Steve Bannon. Race is ultimately against Ilhan Omar. Pretty much no one has a shot in the general but Royce could actually bring people over to our side and coattail into the Gov/AG races, and maybe be a strong candidate for Senate in 2024. The other candidates are complete jokes.
>CT Senate: Hearing good things about this woman Leora Levy, she is Jewish though so eh. So is Dicky Blumenthal.
>CT Governor race is unopposed I think with Bob Stefanowski getting the nomination, he generally outperformed in 2018 in a blue wave year so this race could be a stealth pickup

Coming in with links for results shortly

You should be able to navigate to the other states from these links, these are all Wisconsin
NYT (Sharing this one to let everyone know it's what I use, but it does require an account)
DDHQ (Everyone loves this but frankly I don't, it is free but it requires an account and doesn't update well and keeps signing me out, crashes frequently, but they do call early and rarely make mistakes)

i'm still laughing that kent won


It's fookin based. How's Spic Fuentes holding up?

anyways WI is the only important state tonight
i'll be back in an hour or so

I think that's a mistake, WI is the most important but CT and MN will surprise us.

> Elections are fake
> But primaries are real :DDDD
> just like polls

Cant wait for next Tuesday when old Liz gets pummeled by 25 points.

That's not the point. We're going to force them to rig it.


Attached: no fucks ever given.jpg (638x403, 44.29K)

Checked and correct

Attached: Trump Raid.png (1080x1080, 1.86M)

Helping the tripfag bump again tonight since my comfy Best Midwest State's one of the primary states today, although I'm paying zero attention...MN unfortunately has two popular demshit senators, a popular demshit governor who will handily win re-election in November, and various demshits in the house

But I'm still comfy regardless...because at the moment I'm a comfy enough distance away from niggers and other degenerates

Attached: TRULYREDPILLEDREADING504.jpg (312x500, 54K)

CTanon here. Everyone who's not white and rich (Darien + New Canaan) is a libtard. We're NGMI so good luck to the other states

Rural MN does sounds comfy all things considered. I've wanted to settle either in NH, northern Maine or somewhere in the Lake Superior area in MN, WI or MI.

But even the (((polls))) have Walz close to Jensen.

Aren't the rich whites the embodiment of NE libtards?

VT primaries going as expected

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-09 194104.jpg (1201x431, 51.63K)

Even if they are fake, SOMEONE is counting the real votes, and having them know exactly how much America hates them is reason enough to vote.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-09 194138.jpg (1218x454, 57.75K)

Can confirm northern MN is comfy. Its very red too. Ive got land in northern MN. Hopefully a line can be drawn cutting the state in half.

It was the best possible outcome as Kent shit his pants and learned not to fuck with Fuentes but we also tossed the anti-Trump RINO out.

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

Yeah if he was up against JHB it would have been tough but he can actually get in Congress now. Dems and their unite around one candidate philosophy bit them in the ass.