Why should i be forced to become a parent when i don’t have the ability to raise a child?

Not everyone is fit to be a parent and i dont want to waste tax dollars on raising unwanted orphans.

>inb4 im an incel and you should just stop having sex!!!

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You shouldn't, but if you want to kill a baby, you should be killed also. No one forced you to create that life.

>inb4 trying to justify the 98 percent of abortions that are elective because of the 2 percent that aren't

Every state already has those exemptions covered, sweetie.

If you're white, you can adopt out the baby

Keep your legs closed of you don't want to have a baby you dirty whore.

Theres no reason everyone shouldn't be able to afford a child. The government wants new tax earners, so they import them. Realistically they should just subsidize the costs of raising a child as long as the family stays together.

> woman doesn’t want the baby and is ready to abort it
> conservatives: she’s mother material, she’d be perfect for raising the kid

Forced birthers are clowns

If you get sterilized after the abortion, I'm OK with it.

Death to kikes

the baby has a right to be born

>2 percent
The percentage is much lower than that

Why are you making threads on such a non-issue?

Abstain from having sex if you don't want a kid, you are literally defeating the purpose of sex if you have an abortion. Why throw away the kid when you preformed an action to bring life in the first place?

Before sex= birth control) vasectomies
During sex=condoms
After sex=day after pill and other early termination options
>Hurrr why should I be forced to have a baby after I participated in the only act that creates babies and I completely ignored options before during and after said act to prevent the baby from happening anyway. Why won't you just let me create life and then murder it???

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>Realistically they should just subsidize the costs of raising a child as long as the family stays together.
Since my wife doesnt' work, our family of 5 gets free health insurance and $900 in food money every month.

If someone is too stupid to figure out one of the many available birth control methods available today then it would be cruel to inflict them upon an innocent child. Abortion should be free, legal and followed by forced sterilization.

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>1 Post by this ID
This is what bait looks like children.

They have been dropping bait posts since pic related dropped but sometimes it's good to have a little fun.

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>i don’t have the ability to raise a child?
You can go to any health department in the country and get on the pill for free. They also give out free condoms even though you'll never use them.

Condoms were popular but unfortunately use has dropped since many left wing "men" tend to choke on them.

>Why should i be forced to become a parent when i don’t have the ability to raise a child?
Because you demanded the right to act like a parent by engaging in behavior that creates children. If you can't accept responsibility for your choices little lady we'll just have to take your rights away until you've learned your lesson.

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>because of the 2 percent
because of the .7%
99% of abortions are just straight up murder

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The only reason for an abortion is if it's due to rape, incest, or if the baby will be born retarded and/or defective and will leech off of society. Otherwise, you're just a roastie.

You should just stop having sex if you don’t want a baby you stupid communist


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Then dont fuck faggot
>but i want to waaaaaaa
Your whole fucking argument

so tiresome, all the eugenics and no thing ever changes
a long drawn out circle jerk
dopamine drains
yes massa
no massa

all lives dont matter until babies lives matter

Don't have sex if you don't want a child, faggot.


You have amble options to not have a child. In fact if it gets too the point someone gets pregnant, usually it means you've went out of your way to make it happen.
Once a human is in this world, you don't get to kill it. Makes no matter if you brought him or not.

Thou shall not kill.

Simple as.

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But trannies can't have kids.