Japan never recovered from this

Japan never recovered from this

Attached: mogarthur.jpg (1080x1332, 136.03K)

so what

Still better posture than this scoliotic

holy posterior pelvic tilt on mcarthur

Attached: QPRxQvg.gif (500x500, 999.58K)

your country never recovered from ww2 too
like mine

>5'11 vs 6'

Attached: MacArthur.png (256x279, 108K)

The Jap emps look insanely beta. I would be extremely shameful of that were Japanese nationalist.


He looks so sad though. What happened? :(

Sent 100k young american men to their doom to fight bugs and take shitty islands no one gives a fuck about

we would've been a lot better off letting them take over asia instead of continually fucking around in their backyard for corporate interests

that was the point

Why does McArthur look like such shit compared to his dad?

They actually made sure that all the Americans in the surrender ceremony were tall, much taller than the Japanese. It must have been devastating

i know frog bro
still love you

Japan was the Islam of Asia and got wrecked for it. Good.

because he was a fat retard.

Kike detected

get yourself some k. ys.

>still love you
>literally spends 200 years ending western civilisation and sabotaging every single attempt at success the white man had
>I love you tho
what did he mean by this

*laughs in Obesity figures*