Are people getting dumber?

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define 'dumber'

is that a rethorical question?
what's last time you took a look at public education?

>The people WILL vote out biden ~ Leftist
>Big upvotes and views omg
Inspire of everything we're hearing. Are the left uncertain about the next election?

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>stupid is as stupid does

why do leftists drop movie quotes and pretend it's a gotcha

Typical projection in that cap.

Smaller brains, smoother brains, poorer memory, poorer attention span, illogical and irrational thinking, poorer education, bigotry and an unwillingness to be reasonable.

>In spite of everything* jesus christ...

>Four years of absolute garbage

If you were a mouthbreathing knuckle dragging retard. 2016-2019 were great years to be making money. Better than under the faggots before or after Trump.

They're just retarded overall and truly believe what their news source tells them.

Yes. Your post proves it.

It is BECOMING dumber.

Economy was good and other countries didn't fuck with the US under trump.

I’m getting dumber, for sure.

Yes because crossbreeding and bad parents.

> IF we just vote democrat things will get better

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>4 years of garbage
utter delusion
these "people" aren't real

How can you look at the economy today and the economy 4 years ago and say that Republicans are worse than Democrats? Sure both aren't great and will sell us out but at the very least Republicans aren't batshit nuts like Democrats. How are these people so detached from reality?

I'm homeless and jobless by choice. Been this way for 4 years. Make 150 dollars for 4 hours worth of panhandling and I get food stamps and SSDI. I've got over 140k in savings from panhandling. I keep it all in cash at my house.

People are retarded when it comes to politics in general.
>"This guy's gonna fix all our problems, let's vote him in!"
>guy gets elected on false promises
>continues fucking the populace the same way or worse than the last guy did
>"This guy sucks, but this next guy is DEFINITELY our guy!"
Pendulum continues to swing back and forth, but nothing ever changes (for the better at least). People are so focused on "their" team winning that they don't notice that all politicians are on the same team, and it ain't ours.
Two cheeks of the same asshole, spewing shit all over us.

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They're definitely real. I knew a really commie guy from a gaming forum like 20 years ago, and checked into his reddit account recently, he's literally posting every ten minutes everyday about insane commie philosophical crap without any sort of thinking. I literally almost vomited over how this guy not only still exists but is still around slinging that garbage.

You're homeless but have a house where you feel secure to store 140k in cash?

>just vooooooooote bro THIS party will fix it

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>solid recovery

These people are so fucking stupid, it's literally tiring.

The real question is are they getting dumber, or are they getting browner?

100% yes.

Associates who used to speak impossibly well now stop mid-sentence with words in the tip of their tongue that they seemingly forgot.

Others who once were extremely organized are suddenly so scrambled they can’t keep up, and one even broke down crying while trying to explain why her work was piling up and she doesn’t know what’s wrong with her.

Others just take time off after shockingly terrible presentations that they presented perfectly days before.

Conferences now regularly start five minutes late because people forgot basic computer and troubleshooting skills that allow them to join the meetings.

And everyone is afraid to speak openly.

Based and truthpilled Shaunpost

>im homeless
>at my house
nice larp


Technology is to blame

People no longer need to learn and retain information when all the answers are in your phone

yes, by design

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>doesnt know most common American idioms
>Way to out yourself, paid VPN troll
Easy peasy

Look I'm on team blue even if I hate it but we have record inflation under Biden and sanctioning Russia is part of that. He also gave up on raising the minimum wage and his big plan for how housing inflation was more section 8. Both parties are fucking dogshit that only supports oligarchy at the end of the day. And no this deal that might help the environment is of no consolation if people live in fear of eviction or have to lower their standard of living due to inflation.

I've been telling these green fucks for years the only way to sell environmentalism is for it to be coupled to economic prosperity. Making gas so expensive or banning gas cars means the poor and middle class can't afford them anymore so they will vote for big oil party just so they can get to work. But they never fucking learn

>2 years of solid recovery

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but under trump the economy was good and now the left is purposely destroying the economy kek what fucking retards.

these idiots will vote against tarriffs and industry protections, immigration and needless economic restrictions if the leftists they follow told them to. then they complain about inflation, lack of jobs and blame the right for it.

whoa whoa cool it with the anti semitic remarks

What annoys me is the left and right complain about housing costs but only the left is dumb enough to think more immigrants will decrease demand for supply.