Imagine thinking the west is not over

>women in their 40s having more kids than teens
>hence, declining birthrate, since women in 40s can hardly conceive
>MAJORITY of children born out of wedlock
fucking kek the west is absolutely over

Attached: Its over.jpg (1427x1410, 502.04K)

The funny thing about mass-immigration is 2nd gen colonizers are just as fucked fertility-wise. It's almost like letting women piss unlimited amounts of EE2 into the water supply and never cleaning it up because that would admit they fuck too much, was a bad idea.

Someone add to the birth rate for me, I'm not gonna be able to.

But at least you are not speaking german.

>majority born out of wedlock
So that rules out the shitskins, then. They don't really do the baby thing without getting married, and usually those paedo fucks get married to girls really young.

Sounds more like the other kinds of degenerates are having kids.

Oh horror, the population is declining like it needs too, how ever will we cope (?)

I had to use google translate for "wedlock"
What a beatiful way to describe marriage, having you're wed"lock"ed kek

So yeah, "west" is over, but the whole earth will be filled with nigger and muslim. And these kind of subhuman are keen on gasoline motors, then global warming won't stop hence I wouldn't bet that any homo sapiens would live as we live today in 2200.

Just wait until all your women BLIMP up and absolutely eat EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. I think there's a book about a society of people in space who run out of food and the women are the first to band together and begin cannibalizing the males.

Omw to make more single mothers

Yeah it's mostly white trash single moms who pump out 10 little chavs to get those bennies and free council houses. I hate poor people so much.

our government will fix this

Attached: come1comeall.png (1525x719, 627.55K)

You'd just be adding to the niggery. Everyone knows single mothers produce delinquent kids, and those kids go on to spread their shitty upbringing and genes to slags, who then bring up even worse scum children. And so on and so on, until you end up with the UK, where all the benefit scrounging trash get those faggy zoomer haircuts and act like niggers because they have no sense or self-respect.

Teens should not be having babies. Women in their mid 20s should be.

>>MAJORITY of children born out of wedlock
Great, more losers like this board of dadless losers who repeat talking points from their youtube "life coaches" about being men/reviving their race/etc..

Niggers are known for single parenthood.
Pakis very frequently don't get married officially, just have the religious ceremony and skip the registry office, not sure how they are counting wedlock here.

Either way our demographics are fucked, when the finally release the census data a dozen more cities or towns will have flipped to white minority and many more to white British minority,.

the population isn't declining, ollie. what is declining are the native born people who are then replaced by migrants. hence 'replacement theory.'
the more the native population declines, the more migrants need to be piled on. of course, the migrant birth rate adapts to the native one since the problem is the structure of prison islander society, so more migrants are always needed.

The good news is they won't be able to migrate here soon and probably won't want to. Immigrants hate this country just want the corporate perks.

how do you have kids when a 2 bedroom apartment costs like 350k? i immigrated here and my parents are not rich and in a different country so i have zero help.
i'm not complaining i earn decent money as a software engineer but i don't want to slave away for 25 years to buy a tiny pod so i can raise a single child in it
my english friends who do have kids all bought houses on half my salary because 'oh grandma left me 200k'

>women in their 40s having more kids
imagine the rise of autism,faggism and other mental illnesses in the next generations

england is not part of the west though...

Theres a housing association that recently housed a nigger from africa with 7 kids. There was another story from a few years ago some pakis were given a mansion in london to house their latge family that the council bought for reduced rent. That's how they afford it.

They hate you too, you childless faggot.

War will sort everything out. It always does.

You can't do that anymore since univesal credit and nobody gets council housing anymore apart from immigrants. Its point based, kids will get get them more points and they have to bid but good luck outbidding some immigrant who has priority.

that doesn't happen much any more and as long as they're not niggers who cares

its unsurprising that kids are happening out of wedlock, stagnant wages for the vast majority means they cant even get on the housing ladder.

It's not point based you fucking idiot. There's no points. There's bands. Bronze, Silver and Gold. The higher up you are. The more you get prioritised and the more options you have as well. Also you can just send sick notes and your universal credit lasts forever.