NOOO you can't feed me that, I have coeli-ACK

Why are more and more Gen Z such pussies? Growing up I never ever heard of "gluten allergies". Is this shit made up to cover for something else?

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Flouride? Is it microplastics? What the fuck is going on?

Fungus and worms.

About 10 years ago I was working at a company and this stupid bitch accountant was an absolute hypochondriac.

She claimed to have this bullshit celiac shit and whenever we would go out every 2 weeks for nice ass lunches, she would inevitably ruin where we could eat because they didn't have gluten free options.

If she wasn't in the office or didn't want to go out to eat we would eat at places like Cooper's Hawk or Gibson's Steakhouse but if she tagged along we would eat at markedly shittier places. God it annoyed the fuck out of me.

Should’ve just given that retard a $15 subway gift card and left her behind every time.

All the pesticides and garbage in modern food amount to massive quantities of inflammation in the body which triggers all kinds of autoimmune issues.
This didn't happen overnight either.

imagine not know what you're eating

It's probably all that chemical crap they add to hasten the rising and fermentation process or substitute fats.
They blame gluten instead is done weird foaming agent, or cottonseed oil.

My officer was managed by an incompetent woman and our company was actually based overseas, so that would have been impossible.

I ended up leaving the company after the office manager failed to place an order for more units from China (takes 3 months to get orders out, shipped and delivered to warehouses). She missed placing an order by 8 weeks, then tried to blame it on me, in the middle of a conference call. I told her she could fuck off and that I had nothing to do with ordering units, it was her mistake and I was sick of her shit.

I was the third person to quit that month due to her incompetence and trying to blame shit on others so she wouldn't lose her job.

I heard about 3 years later that 2 more people quit after I did and the foreign fucks in Sweden eventually caught on that it was her fault their american office was falling apart and shit canned her. Saw her at a hardware show convention a year after that and laughed at her as she walked past my both. She looked horribly embarrassed. Felt fucking good.

Used to think celiac and gluten sensitivities were fucking fake and gay but then I developed some kind of gluten sensitivity and it fucking sucks. I just want to be able to eat burgers against without the ensuing agony

what's it like?
When did it happen in your life? Did you change your diet a lot, move house, any circumstances correlate?

This. It’s impossible to trace to one thing, but our food has changed faster than our immune systems can keep up. Our bodies think we’re eating poison and react accordingly. The average human temperature has actually increased from 98.8 due to everyone being mildly inflamed.

And due to it’s very difficult to practice any exclusionary diet to figure out the root cause. So people often fall back to wheat products, which are also the most heavily processed. But I’m sure corn and onions have similar affects, even if on a smaller level.

Glyphosate. Farmers spray it on crops again prior to harvesting to dry out the grains and make it easier to harvest. This gets into the food supply and poisons you. Retards misattribute it to gluten.

It was before covid and I had that twice but that's the only thing I can think of. Its extremely painful in my colon, but instant relief when I shit it out. I didn't know what it was for months but then experimenting with diet found out its both gluten and capsaicin. Not eating either I feel fucking great and even less brain fog and lethargy. But now if I have even a small amount its intensely painful

Yeah whatever it is it's in wheat. Idk if its some pesticide, gluten, chemical enrichment during processing, or industrial pollutant during processing but if I eat anything made from flour I feel like I'm dying

What the fuck is gluten

Its a protein found in wheat

Shut up no you don’t you annoying little internet liar

Yeah I do. Why would I lie about it lmao

I feel remarkably better after eating gluten free bread vs normal bread. Strangely I am also great with Italian imported pastas and breads, as well as homemade with high quality flour. None of you all are like that? It's not like I'm allergic to it or anything, it just makes me really tired so I just try to avoid bread as much as possible.

i eat any garbage i want and feel fine. You have hypersensitivity probably because your mom didnt breastfeed you, or didnt let you eat certain foods as a child. Not my problem.

How old are you? I used to be the same way before I was 27

If you have real celiac there's only about a dozen restaurants in the entire country you can actually go to. If she was eating out at multiple resteraunts in the same county, she didn't have celiac.

bread, rice, etc does make me tired now that you mention it. I avoid sub sandwiches and rice because they will make me want an afternoon nap and I'm not a dirty spic so I avoid that
Was my digestive system poisoned by glyosphate? Could there be a way to reverse it?

just eat it without the bun

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it's just the fast carbs fucking up your blood sugar and causing your body to release a ton of insulin. That's why you are tired. Our bodies need no carbs, ever. Try cutting them out and you will feel much much better.