Judge Reinhart start the clock on the American civil war


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There will be no civil war
White American conservatives are the most do-nothing people on the planet

This selfish, short sighted nonsense is going to result in the destruction of america within about ten years. the democrats are really like over-aged children. not to say the republicans are amazing, but the democrats and their backers are really abysmally bad. they are like 5 year old spoiled brats. it is amazing. and everyone in america just sits there and watches it happen.

just because the white american conservatives are lazy, doesn't mean there are not people in america that will resort to violence to fight over the carcass. this isn't just about the conservatives. history is leaving them behind, but that doesn't mean there is no one else around to resort to violence. the conservatives checking out is probably increasing the chance of war.

Judge reinhold doesn’t have the influence to start a world war anymore

The anonymous traveler told the taxi cab driver, " We can solve all of our problems by lunch time tomorrow. Americans simply have to get in their pick up trucks , drive to Washington DC, drag about 500 traitors out of their fancy offices and shoot them in the face."
The corporate media constantly promotes the idea of civil war in America. The vast majority of Americans problems and concerns originate in Washington DC. Most Americans intuitively understand that our problems are not caused by the guy down the street regardless of his race, heritage or sexual preference. It doesn't even make sense to consider civil war. All of the pain, despair, misery and death a civil war that would consume north america would cause wouldn't even address the root cause of Americas problems which is Washington DC. We the People of the United States of America simply need to focus on the traitors in the federal government. America has laws against treason and corruption. If the US Department of Justice will not enforce Americas laws against treason and corruption We the People must.

How does someone in Indonesia get these opinions?

Could it be anyone more stereotypically Jewish? Lmaoo

early life check

I guess if you define a nationwide effort to remove federal enforcement abilities as “nothing” then you are correct. Stupid, but in that specific stretch of the imagination, correct.

The most kikeist of kikes

>nationwide effort to remove federal enforcement abilities
Sorry, can you explain this further user?

Thats a mighty big fucking nose

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Thousands showed up in DC in a protest that has launched a year and a half of trials and congressional actions in response. That was back when they just thought (((they))) rigged voting results. That was mostly the do-nothing boomers. Imagine how much angrier they'd be if they tried to charge Trump with an obviously pretextual crime.
You're out of your mind if you think there wouldn't be a serious reaction

i thought i was in singapore? just because you live somewhere doesn't mean that is what you are. i would have thought the americans would figure that out by now.

I know its a meme at this point, but this might be one of the deciding points in the downfall of our nation.


It could be a changing point for good. Maybe now politicians will be held accountable for things? Doubt it, as it's only one side. But hey, it could happen


they think they can pick up the pieces and have a more liberal NWO aligned state after the smoke clears

someone needs to smoke this kike.

Dozens, if not hundreds, of people had their lives ruined or are outright in jail because of J6
And you think that boomers will be willing to do that again?

jews have been destroying this country from the inside out for decades, nothing new

there will never be a civil war you moron. the right is just too cucked to ever rise up and fight back

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i think 20 years ago, i would agree with this. but people have really been owning their positions. i know a guy who donated his entire inheritance from when his parents' died to the biden campaign. can you imagine such stupidity? the true believers in the various camps are really getting to the point where they will carry out the orders of their leaders like true hutus.

*nose, rubbing hands*

0.01% of whit men willing to fight would be more then enough.

SPREAD THE NEWS THAT HE'S JEWISH. ITS JEWS. JEWS JEWS! we have the upper hand anons

what color is the sky in your retard fantasy world? you think the people who walked around the capitol then went home and did literally nothing as all their friends and family were rounded up are suddenly going to rise up now? god you're fucking dumb

He looks Jewish, which literally explains everything.

civil wars arent only between right and left. how about between left and far left, or rich v ambitious, or immigrants v locals, religion v religion?

>But hey, it could happen
no it couldn't

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Wasn't he a shitty 80s actor?


far left already took over the left you moron that's how the inflation act happened. rich vs ambitious will never happen because no one has ambition anymore. and religion vs religion is just fucking stupid because most people are atheist at this point

I’ll use a singular issue as example but the trend is much larger than this. A few years back the democrats made it extremely clear that no compromise was going to be reached on guns: they want the rifles and they want them now. All across the country local sheriffs and even a handful of state level entities openly said they wouldn’t be enforcing these laws no matter how many votes they passed by. In response, this summer democrats gave the fbi almost a billion dollars specifically earmarked to place agents in local police departments to carry out red flag raids without needing local cooperation, which they weren’t getting except in places like SoCal, Maryland and other blue fed hives.

You can see the expansion of a parallel issue with abortion. Many of these red states are starting to pass abortion laws even more restrictive than previous iterations. I think this is for the sole purpose of chasing out democrats to solidify republican control at the state level.

So what you have is a national trend of democrats centralizing their power in the fed while republicans are placing flags so to speak at the state and local level all across the country. Note the upcoming constitutional convention movement as another step in this direction.

So where are you from? How does a non-American get so invested in this?

Maybe one person will take action
They will be demonized by the press and everybody else will stop because the FBI will crackdown on any tips they give

This is a losing fight
It's already over
Conservatives lost.

Look at that nose. Why would the Jews attack their own asset, memeflags.

Not nearly enough.

The left is vaxxed and will die this winter from ADE. Won’t be much of a civil war if one side is dead.

the next time it wont be an impromptu tour through the capitol building. there will be blood, and lots of it

kek figures it was a jew

Disgusting kike

it doesnt have to be 'most people'. two groups that are willing to fight it out is all you need. in the russian civil war after the communists seized power, most people sat it out. that doesnt mean there was no war, or that no one died, or that the country wasnt radically changed afterwards.

sure there will retard. just keep trusting the plan

there doesnt even have to be a real fight.
red states just start telling the feds to fuck off, arrest and imprison any FBI faggots trying to exercise any warrants in the state. shut down the power to any and all federal buildings in the state.
theres more than one way to wage a war.

> destruction of America in 10 years
260.28 * 2 weeks.

You live in a fake, propaganda-created world where states don’t have authority and people lack will. Cheer up lad

Thanks for those examples but I think they're showing the exact opposite of what you hope they're showing.
What it's actually showing is that the Feds are getting more powerful and the States are just sitting there getting fucked
I don't see how that benefits conservatives

if they will throw you in prison for life simply for walking in while invited, you might as well take a few heads with you

You're out of your mind. That was them trying to troll IRL. If you honestly think there aren't people willing to shed blood over this, you're deluded. I know several, personally.
You think jailing those people unjustly for this long has made people LESS angry?

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Why is it that you confuse “the feds gave themselves the on paper ability to do something” with “this will now happen?” I just told you an entire country’s worth of people are already resisting and we haven’t even gone anywhere near hot yet.

Just wait until they start to riot, then we'll do something!
Just wait until they start to loot and burn, then we'll do something!
Just wait until they come to the suburbs, then we'll do something!
>you are here
Just wait until they come to my house, then we'll do something!
Just wait until they're fucking my wife, then we'll do something!

>Dozens, if not hundreds, of people had their lives ruined or are outright in jail because of J6
>And you think that boomers will be willing to do that again?
If there was any lesson learned, it was that they may as well show up armed and dangerous if their life will be ruined anyway.
Similar lesson to Occupy. They had the numbers to start storming bank buildings and execute bankers, the current twitter meme among leftists, but didn't in favor of nonviolence.
The repeated lesson is essentially that civil disobedience is no longer a viable strategy for systemic protest for a basic reason: it relies on a third party's perspective and sympathy. If the messaging around the protest is managed and controlled, there is no reliable third party.

You're right it's already over. We lost. Don't even try. I am demoralized.