Global Hyperinflation General /GHG/ #95

Global Hyperinflation General /GHG/ #95

Previous Thread: We are witnessing a planned collapse of the world as we know it. Sure it (((appears))) to be triggered by the Corona Plandemic, or the fake war in Ukraine or one of the million and one fake happenings. Look closer and find out that it is not the case.
The death knell was sounded on Aug 15th 1971.
/GHG/ will be a record of the greatest collapse of the developed world in real time for posterity.

Brace yourself, we are only getting started.

> Start here
GoldSilver w/ Mike Maloney:

> 1. Book Resources
archive dot ph slash pTeEf

> 2. Video Resources

> 3. Hedges
archive dot ph slash iZ2Yh
TLDR: Precious metals, skills, weapons, water, monero (NOT Bitcoin), community, patience, location...

> 4. Parallel Economies
Agorism and P2P, Freedomcells project

> 5. OPSEC and OSINT

> 6. Relevant Threads and Links
Useful(IMO) links:

> 7. Prepper skills / Prepper Matrix

> 8. Addendum
Bushcraft First Aid: A Field Guide to Wilderness Emergency Care

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Other urls found in this thread: Conference 2015 - Background Papers.pdf


GloboHomo Centralization (Globalization and Homogenization through centralization) and LocaDece Federation (Localism and Decentralization through Federation) are two sides of the same coin, yin and yang, +ve and -ve.
Most of the unvaccinated on Mongolian Basket Weaving forum are interested in being a part of LocaDece. GHG is mostly about discussing, brainstorming, constructing (or moving to) this promised land called LocaDece. Using the collective autism to meme it to reality.
Any suggestions to improve the general (except dumbing it down to resonate with the normal fags) is always welcome.
The aim of this general is not to save everyone but to serve as a platform where the few could discuss the nature of things. The opening posts of this general, should not the shortened except in redundancy cases, in my opinion. The purpose of the opening posts is to serve as a complete compendium of information required and not entice awareness in those who do not have the patience or providence to read lengthy and complex texts.

Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Shantir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu // 1 //

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niramayah
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu
Ma Kaschid Duhkha-bhag Bhavet // 2 //

PS: It would be great if someone can create /GHG/ threads when it is night time in CEST Timezone. Thanks!

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There is a Session channel to discuss things that might be within the scope of this general.

If you are interested, the string is: 05e14171ef6d77cd05bff15357e0f73805c44544cd109d172076cacca268ef8108

The long term perspective is to have an Agora like circle.

If you have questions about Sessions app or other relevant stuff ask them below.

PS: Session is P2P E2E over TOR.

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The Fall of the Roman Empire – M. Grant
The Downfall of Money: Germany’s Hyperinflation and the Destruction of the Middle Class – F. Taylor
The Grapes of Wrath – J. Steinbeck
The Everything bubble: Look around
Principles (all books in the series) – R. Dalio
The Magic of Money by German central banker Hjalmar Schacht ( Kashkari of Weimar Hyperinflation)
Debt by Design – Joshua Maree
The War against Cash – Ross Clark
Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations
The Creature from Jekyll Island - Griffin
The Sovereign Individual – Davidson and Rees-Mogg
The Everything Bubble: The Endgame For Central Bank Policy – G. Summers

Get books from one of the following places:
Library genesis project, Gutenberg project, Imperial Library of Trantor (the last one requires TOR)

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BestEvidence - John Titus

Relevant Videos
Clarke and Dawe - European Debt Crisis

>The Money Masters Full Documentary The rise of the bankers [3h29m]

>How does the financial system work

>Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

>Money as Debt - Full Documentary

>The Truth About the Deficit, Debt, and U.S. currency

>Prof. Werner explains how the banking system and financial sector really work

>Federal Reserve explained

>Quantitative Easing explained

>Princes of the Yen: Central Bank Truth Documentary

>The Four Horsemen

>The Secret of Oz

>The American Dream

>All Wars are Bankers’ Wars

>End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless | Gold | Financial Crisis | ENDEVR Documentary

>The Fall Of The US Dollar: Is The Return To A Gold Standard Inevitable?

>Precious metals

> Hidden Secrets Of Money:
Part 1

> Dollar Milkshake Theory

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> Professional Hedges:
Blockchain engineering
System sciences

> Systemic Hedges:
Precious metals:
Weapons: Any good discussion forums you know?
Land and Water
Fungible Cryptocurrencies (HINT: MONERO, not Bitcoin!)

> Personal and Social Hedges:
How to be a gray man?: See works of Robert Greene
Propaganda and 5th generational warfare: The Handbook of Fifth-Generation Warfare – D. H. Abbott

> Commodity hedges and skills
How to cook a world war diet?
How to grow your own food?

> Living with uncertainity:
See all books Incerto Series by N. N. Taleb

> Get Fit
Spiritually Any Forums, Mentally Any Forums, Physically Any Forums

> Surival and prepping if SHTF:
> Medicine
Avoid the pharmakike.
Know your plants, Ayurvedasaarasangraha, Natural medicine, Nursing skills
Yoga, meditation, exercise, calisthenics, good food, plenty of clean fresh water intake in sufficient quantities.

> Food
Victory Gardens:

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Privacy Tools:
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity:
The US Army "Counter Intelligence Handbook"
"Light Infantry Tactics for Small Teams" - Chris E. Larsen

Zerohedge deleted two articles about the German journalist who exposed how intelligence agencies run mainstream media

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> Ten Commandments for dealing with Shillfags:

1. Provide book recommendations and learning advices, and best practices.
2. Provide educated opinions on current, past and future happenings.
3. Advice newfag anons and answer their questions, clarify doubts.
4. Post precious metal stacks, do not post monero stacks.
5. Do not give (You)s to those you think are shilling/psyopping.
6. Provide professional, personal, systemic, social advices or anything that might be needed in the days to come.
7. Ask or provide advices on prepping: professional, personal, economic, emotional, psychological, social, geopolitical or otherwise.
8. Be kind to lurkers and newfags, remember (You) too were a newfag once.
9. Financial shills are much more educated, experienced and evolved than the shitty pfizer or pharma fags - never underestimate the psyop shill, keep 5th generation informational warfare tactics in mind.
10. This too shall pass, this too shall pass.

Shill tricks:
Bio-security paradigm:
Harvest season:
Fifth generation warfare:
CBDC story:
Pandemic 2:
The Fed and it’s shitshow:
Rules-Based International Conference 2015 - Background Papers.pdf
Goldman Sachs paper on BRIC:
miles w math is dot com slash bitfraud dot pdf

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fuck ja__ies
real discussion of pr_c___s m_t_ls is not permitted on Any Forums
they don't want you to escape debt slavery

I noticed that as well!
Two PMG threads deleted in a row.
I got banned for making one a couple of days ago.

Bump. Healthy amount of German Autism ITT.

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Is that Stack yours?
I thosh Indians cant into economics.

I bought a few more ounces of silver yesterday. I've fallen behind on monero purchases, but looking to pick some up this month.

Otherwise, AR-10 or AR-15? I'm leaning towards an AR-10 because I suspect the 5.56 is becoming obsolete thanks to body armor and .308 is more versatile but if anyone wants to explain why I'm retarded, I'd welcome it.

No XMR or Land?

>dollar dies
>commodities skyrocket
>no one knows what to do
>instantly boomers and Xers use silver
>people starting to actually riot, die etc
>silver x10s in days
>gold x2s in same time
>this saves the economy/society
>all paper assets are literally 0
>computers can't figure out price of anything
>must be rebuilt with real world price discovery
>this lasts months to under a year
This is when you sell silver for a ton of land and equipment for working, food, water, seeds, building materials etc
>turns out banks have tons of gold
>this saves economy x2
>things actually begin to make sense again
>dust settles over time months/a year pass
>some countries collapse, banks collapse
>new good people in power, new bankers
>the saturnites are kill, almost fully now
>but now countries can reasses prices
>stocks and paper assets revalued
>BTC survived whole time but didn't moon
>remained useful as store of value
>market realizes XRP has been making moves
>some countries actually used XRP
>reassessment finds XRP is the standard
>as underlying messaging system of everything
>BTC can stay store of value(gold)
>XRP is means of conveyance for public(silver)
>by this time more months to another year pass
>during this gold moon to 10k-20k power
>silver is also higher 1:10-1:20 of gold
>your assets you bought also mooned
>now you can use assets to start buy silver
>work hard for a couple more months to a year
>start businesses, expands
>sell some of your now $500-$2k XRP
>buy some silver with it and more land
>another months to a years pass
>silver steadily rising/depeg from gold ratio
>takes many years to eventually be 1:5-1:1
>during this time saturnite remnants use XMR
>XMR defacto private standard; moons
>even "regular" people now use it
>this is when you sell some, buy more land
>silver etc,should own small town by now
>use all of the profits for more silver
>wait until silver overtakes gold
>buy entire geographic areas,be noble king

Not mine, I'll post mine in a while. Indian people own lots of gold if you didn't know. I just started a couple of months back.

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Yes, I have an amount of monero, but I haven't bought any for a while because I want to remove cexs from the deal entirely. Leaning towards using localmonero cash by mail.

Are you the QA indian guy from /xmr/gen or a new one?

Part of my stack that I bought recently.

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>turbo cope

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>I want to remove cexs from the deal entirely.

Good. I have some pasta for you to eat.

>Key Disclosure Law and the Breaking of Monero (Or Else! Law)
>Followins is a QRD from a discussion I was having with a couple of glownigger friends.
>> Almost all non-shithole countries have a Key-Disclosure Law (KDL for short) (
>> A few falseflags with XMR placed in, is sufficient to convince the voters and the puppet politicians that Monero is Le Bad
>> The idea then will be to bundle together AML/CFT laws (that already exists), FATF Recos (which is being passed into law almost everywhere) and KDLs
>> This will provide legal grounds for shaking-up the weak hands.
>> The aim is not to shake-up the glowniggers or the cartels or the Elitists that use XMR but the moms and pops who transact using XMR.
>> Even a single bit of data that connects a legal person to XMR usage will be sufficient justification for triggering the proceedings.
>> The power of such a (hypothetical) law is not its enforceability but its ability to scare the individual into compliance. Hence the name: Or Else!
>> If you comply once, the fintec glownogs will hit you again and again until you drop dead - like junkies.
>> To accelerate things the nogs can be awarded a cut for XMR busting.
>> If all these fails there will always be the quasi-legal 5 dollar wrench attack.


>Global hyperinflation

sounds comfy

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No, I'm different.

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>So what do?
>1. Delete ALL you CEQ accounts right now.
>2. Aforementioned law will likely be rolled out around 2026 (start of THE stagflation) and start getting enforced around 2032 ( around fall of BOA and devaluation of Dollar). The dates are almost always in flux, be careful.
>3. Deleting CEQ RIGHT NOW will put you reasonably safe with the "10-year caveat".
>4. Use, P2P, Tradeogre or mine it. Roughly 1/10 sellers on LM are nogs, 2/10 are Law Enforcement and 1/10 are on a nog or LE list, so be careful. Be careful with Tradeogre Rug, and use it over Tor.
>5. DO NOT use SEPA to buy XMR on LM. Especially if the account is with a Brick and Mortar bank.
>6. DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH YOUR IDENTITY TO A BTC TRANSACTION. If you have to pick one single advice - pick this one.
>7. Do NOT reveal your financial power-level to Normies/NPCs. (This is also a note-to-self).
>8. Principle of Stealth-Wealth: If you look like a poorfag, if you dress like a poorfag, if you talk like a poorfag, you HAVE TO BE a poorfag (in the eyes of normies). Use this to your advantage.
>9. Pretend to be burnt. Make it part of your personality that you are burnt. In the coming years ALMOST EVERYONE (in the street) will be burnt. So it is in your best interest to appear to be burnt.
>10. At the end of the day this is a Spiritual journey - keep that in mind and heart.


Bump for one of the best (or the only) threads that provide value, advice and knowledge on multiple important subjects.
Keep it up German friend. Props from a fellow Monero user.

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Be nice if all the retarded steetshitters like OP could get the fuck out of Europe and back to the leprosy filled demon worshipping hellhole they created for themselves in India

>Part of my stack that I bought recently.
How is the crypto landscape there?

pay your taxes you streetshitting parasite

>steetshitters like OP
Nigga the only place I shit is your mum's mouth after throatfucking her.
My skin is paler than your wife's ballsack.

Thank you, good advice. I'm hoping Haveno or some equivalent gets up and running soon and isn't a steaming pile of dogshit because while LM seems to be the best way right now, I'm still wary of the issues you mentioned.

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Taxation is theft.

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IDK, my friends are into trading, gold or deep in loans. I might be the only crypto guy in our group. I've stopped buying shit coins. I'm also exiting all my stocks and mutual funds. I'm only buying gold and silver right now, I was hoping to buy some land but it didn't work out.

>pay your taxes
What is a tax?

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Bump. Glad i'm not the only one figuring out ways to create new solutions.