Where are they now?

where are they now?

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i wana FUCK THEM n shit
built for bbc


Mental hospitals, group homes, or dead from suicide.

emotional deprived whores? Onlyfans or twitch

Josh your micro dick isn’t gonna get any bigger, just leave this planet already you fat midget nigger.

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only virgins on Any Forums have a hard-on for emo sluts.
In school thr emo bitched were the biggest sluts of them all. disgisting.
daddy issues and all.
only unironic virgins that mystify women think positively about those emo whores.
or zoomers that didnt live through those times
also: to answer your question. they moved on. and you should too

Lmao! That's the fat nigger that's been spamming stuff?

kek his name is still filtered sitewide

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The emo girls I knew turned into gutterpunk junkie sluts.

A few I knew died from ODing or ethnic boyfriend stabbing them.


There is no such thing as "emo" retard, but yeah their "style" was shit then and it's shitty looking today

>or ethnic boyfriend stabbing them.

toll road still open

still collecting. is nice

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> Posts collage of same emo chick

You obsessed with this bitch or something? She's kinds cute. Did she take your virginity and kick you to the curb in favour of Chad Thundercock?

fat and used up


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250 lbs
overpriced downtown apartment
student loan debt
three cats
men's fault somehow

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Get off this site you fucking spiritual boomer

I wish I was in 2007 again
I wish I could skip class and go hangout with the emo freaks behind the sports hall
I wish I could be lazy and oversleep with my gf then cook breakfast together while everyone at work and play videogames on the ps2
I wish I could experience love and happiness again

That's funny. Dude is obsessed with black dick. It makes sense.

I'm glad the emo aesthetic fucking died, shame it gave way to hipster aesthetic which is dogshit cancer. Just waiting for the current super cancerous twink aesthetic to end.

They grew up and became functioning adults or an hero'd. Emo culture morphed into transgenderism and embracing full on socialist faggotry to revolt.

HR departments across the nation.

You guys complained about them. Saying they're SJWs

no jew is allowed to post in my breads
go back to the oven you satanist subhuman, I hope you die of cancer soon and go straight to hell :^)

>Imagine having ever experienced love and happiness

Maybe when I was like 11 years old. All downhill from there desu.