Dark Brandon thread

Dark Brandon isn't a meme. Its a promise. DeSantis is going away next.

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Continue to gargle your semen troon glowie ultranigger..

oh look another glownigger forced meme thread

Based, I’ll eat an ice cream in his honour

Accelerate !!!!

He will pass away from old age before he gets a chance to run again.

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From the depths, he has been summoned. In echo of the ceaseless chanting from those who fear him. In a world doomed by his arrival, there are no gods or kings. There is only Dark Brandon.

Leteth goeth Brandon!

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Game was rigged from the start.

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I'm waiting on DeSantis to finally stick the knife in like a modern-day Brutus.

>Trump: Et tu, Ron?

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Is it the oil companies or putin, make up your mind.

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Forced, unfunny, and unoriginal.

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Desantis is obviously who you want to be president so he can have a cabinet of trust fund commandos and a VP trust fund commando out of Texas

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LMAO this Dark Brandon is hilarious. Keep it going guys post more Dark Brandon

>okay guys, Dark MAGA failed miserably, what do we do now?
>duh, how about Dark BRANDON??
>brilliant! Now get to the chans, and remember, for each post you get a shiny new penny!

Let me explain to you shills very clearly: the establishment will never be cool. You will never capture 2016 Trump energy. It was only possible because Trump was an outsider. An 90 year old pant shitting career politician will never be cool. You are only driving more people to the right trying to force any meme whatsoever .

>This billionaire real-estate mongol is anti-establishment

>Noooooo Hunter Biden can't just smoke crack and bang prostitutes! That's illegal!

>dark maga
>ultra dark maga
>dark brandon
>... brandon
What the absolute fuck is this fucking cringe ass shit

>Dark Brandon isn't a meme
>It's a promise.

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Its leftypol and twitter trying to force a meme. Only radical leftists are posting this shit because they've currently overdosed on copium and simply cannot admit Biden is a terrible president.
What you're looking at is the leftist 4d chess equivalent.

>ultra dark brandon

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Blackface joe when?

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>Dark Brandon isn't a meme
You got that right. Completely forced and inorganic like every other leftard “meme.”

Reminder about the bootlicking left, see pic related

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Joe Biden fucked his daughter

Does dark brandon wear black face or something? Why is he dark? Is he part indigenous?

At this point this pathetic is being spread by right wingers to show how pathetic it is, I’m sure of it

You want to play? Glowie


>dark brandon
this is ultra cringe levels
first of all it's not a meme since nobody knows what the fuck it means
second of all it's dumb as shit
and thirdly: leftists can't meme.

lets break the dark brandon meme down.
what the fuck does it mean?
is it like the dark knight? where is the connection?
where is the actual thing that makes people go "heh"? there is none.
leftists are literally so retarded they think they can take existing thing and repackage it as something new.

glowniggers are fucking stupid

Leftypol shilling for their corpo masters again