How do we solve the labor shortage?

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Treat workers like human beings instead of disposable cogs of a machine? Oh, but that'd be too much, wouldn't it...

Pay people more. Treat them like humans instead of numbers.

Pay them more.

pay more

migrate giant waves of cheap "human" labor force to Israel

by ending retarded consumerism for starters. That means - reducing women rights

>treating a burger flipper with respect
>what is inflation

Inflation has nothing to do with wages.

do it yourself or pay more

In my company they increased the salaries by 20% and filled all the vacant spots.

improve conditions and pay me more and see how quick I stop NEETing.

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Automation, robotics, machinery and thinking through it. NOT IMMIGRATION!

>>treating a burger flipper with respect
sorry mr. goldenstein for having empathy and human compassion

Pay white heterosexual married couples to have kids.

read somewhere a lifetime ago that historically the biggest advances in industrialization and automation etc. came about from a lack labor due to war and disease.

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What labor shortage?

Pay less, raise prices on products and hire immigrants.
Simple as.

>doesn't believe wagies should be treated with respect
>cries about inflation
>no doubt believes everyone but him and his Cadre are entitled subhumans

The absolute state of boomers (or Jews, it's hard to tell the difference)

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There are plenty of jobs that don't need to exist, or can be automated. Brown parasites can all be sent back, because white countries never needed them.

no gibs anymore from the governement.

Eliminate useless jobs.
Also bring slavery back.

All rights are based on the implied use of force if rights are not respected. That's why slaves are the enemies of freedom lovers. They got no fight in them. So, they have no rights. They want everyone to be a bitch like them. The people in my country are like that. They gave up their guns.

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Stop voting Democrat.

If there's labor shortage, why does no one reply to my job applications?

Everything went up like 20% in cost this year. Wages are beyond shit and disability / welfare benefits pay out better than a lot of the shit jobs currently facing a "labor shortage".

Either shut down shop because you have a shit business model that can't pay it's staff or introduce a UBI that allows people already in the system to take on part time, shitty paying work without relying on it or giving up their gibs in exchange for it.


EU needs immigration to keep their economy and social system afloat.

Every year 50 000 people leave this county to go to work in Germany, Austria, Slovenia because they don't have enough skilled labor.

Forced labour. Just tie healthcare to jobs so people will have to work 'till death. Oh, wait. . .

Replaced by the 3rd world. You can't win.