Political implications of Funkopop and Manchildren

Seriously, there is one thing I cannot understand.
We all know that manchild are a societal disease but if there is one thing I cannot fathom is the rise of these Funkopop.
They are not even nice looking.
Why are manchild dumping their income/saving into these dolls? Someone give me a rational explanation.
I met the cousin of a friend who lives in my building 32 year old, good looking dude he own tons of these, spends his days playing video games and smoking weed.
>Many such cases.
Thank god most of these men will get vasectomies and keep out of the gene pool.

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idk why are video games teaching people to be trannies?

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the chad lego vs. the virgin funko pop

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I don't understand them either. I like to go to this Farmer's Market/Flea Market place with my wife and the past few years a lot of the stalls have nothing but hundreds of these things for sale.

ITT: Fags playing with dolls

everyone has something they attach to. what it is it pretty arbitrary, a combination of factors from boredom to properties of attraction. try to remember that without it, there wouldnt be the meme in the first place - so its basically inevitable. most inevitable things are actually boring, philosophically. so it's not much of a question to ask, or answer

It’s not just these things in particular there’s been a rise in toy collecting in recent years like it seemingly has gone from a nerdy hobby to the mainstream kind of like video games years ago

I have that ship.

it is simply another result of the social and political war between men and women. where your time would usually be focused on each other in a relationship, there are going to be an increased number of outlets. you figured that part out, but simply havent figured out the cause yet

>go to comic book store.
>giant funkopop wall that takes up more space than the actual comics.
How did this happen?

unironically trannies and faggots

Pretty sure there's big online toy sellers with a lot more than him.

>sóyboys purchase thousands of plastic idols
>sóyboys get clotshots
>sóyboys die
>idols end up in landfill
It's the beautiful cycle of Consoooooomerism.

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Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

Because people aren’t buying comics like they used to do they need to sell something to supplement them

always wondered this since nendoroids are far more detailed and expressive for about $10 more

man child

Name 5 kinos this happens

I like people to think I’m mentally challenged so I keep 100s of Funko pop dolls

Guns are just funkopop toys for right-wingers.

These things are the worst, cheaply made mass produced garbage that barely resemble anything. If you're going to buy a figure atleast buy something quality like sideshow collectibles or hot toys 1/6th scale

beanie babies for basedboys

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This is my scientific and completely unbiased take on this:
>manchild doesn’t really have hobbies outside of media consumption
>suddenly finds these quirky figurines of literally every franchise on the planet
>decides this is his new thing now because every other “nerd” also collects them
I feel the same for stuff like ghostbusters, back to the future, marvel and starwars. You are almost pressured into liking those franchises if you want to consider yourself a “nerd”. You HAVE to wear a stormtrooper tshirt, you HAVE to love disneyland, you HAVE to quote le epic movie oneliners. Whatever happened to real nerds, guys who are building battlebots in their shed or modeltrains in the attic?

I still don't understand these things. They're just retarded dolls of pop culture icons. Why are they so big?

Even Nintendo Amiibo were much higher quality and actually figures that resembles the actual character


after looking at those weirdos then look at AFOLs

Adult Friend Of Legos

yes the little plastic multi color pieces that snap together

whew lad

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My 3 year old son plays with Lego’s, because they are made for children. There is nothing “Chad” about you, you’re a loser and a freak.


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Did this sound good in your head?

what is with you retards and the retarded analogies

They're reflections of the current culture. Generations past would eat up picrel. This is no different, except that it's all just mainstream mythos and not wholesome shit.

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>World Record
For what?

collect guns and ammo

i have two
Should i be worried?

i get that collecting things is somewhat personal and usually seems weird to people who don’t collect whatever the fuck it is you do, e.g., i’m sure stamp collectors think tea spoon collectors are weirdos and vice versa, but what in the fuck is the appeal of this utter shit? these are the types of faggots that won’t shut the fuck up about “pop culture”
>every time i here the phrase “pop culture”, i reach for my pistol.

You mean cuck bricks?

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I own three versions of this little mamma jammas

The only people in the past who would “eat this up” were women, genius. That’s the difference between them and now. Back then, a man would kill himself in shame if something like this was found.
Goodgoy consoomerism and chemicals turned the modern man into a shameful and pathetic creature.

So he collects things that make him happy, and that upsets you? You can collect something other than misery and self-importance, you know.

world's best consoomer

I ever got collecting as a concept. Can you or someone who’s not trolling describe how it makes you feel?

When there's a large collection, often combined with little spent ammo, yep. They're often living in a fantasy like the funko types, posers. If they were really about what they were posing as, they wouldn't be obese taking selfies tut-tuting, but getting and keeping their together.

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That's not so different from Hummel figurines people collect for $$$$ (pic related) At any rate men never collected those. They're Christian figurines. Not something faggots arw interested in.

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spent on

There's some intriguing subtlety to the allure. The generic shape and design allows them to be made very cheaply and customized for really narrow properties and characters. It manages to thread the cultural needle between mainstream enough to relevant, but offering characters that are niche enough to appeal to specific flavors of autism.

Like you said, it allows them to participate in an existing culture, but it also allows them to keep put their own personal spin and preferences on it. It allows for just enough self-identification to make it personal.

>Whatever happened to real nerds, guys who are building battlebots in their shed or modeltrains in the attic?

They write the software for FAGMAN. The actual good workers are worked constantly, and their identities are subsumed.

Look at those dead eyes and plastic smile
You know he's suffering from crippling depression and anxiety

Absolutely based. I own the entire ninjago city. Every girl (trans) i bring over immediately wants to give head when she sees it, no bullshit

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shit together (wtf, I guess I need a new keyboard)

Is this that cruelty squad guy?

Are you saying you don’t want this? Bigot

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Also toby jugs.

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Why are you familiar with funkopop "celebs"?

English teachers chasing gook cunny don't have kids you liar.

do have an Alpine Shepherd Boy, by chance?

I've never actually seen someone buy one of these things. Are they really that popular?

These toys don't make anyone happy. Like a pothead, an obese faggot or a wine aunt, you confuse momentary pleasure with happiness.

You get a dopamine hit for each piece you find and add to your collection. That's all it is. It's a sense of accomplishment and progression towards an abstract sense of completion.

What moves people to pick up passive hobbies that just consume things created by others? I don't see the appeal, just get an instrument or a workbench or something. Even reading at least makes you a more eloquent speaker/writer in my experience.

When I was younger I always wanted all the Nintendo dolls, clothing, and other stuff they have now. When I was younger, Nintendo was still only that way in Japan. Maybe special places in NY or something who knows. But not one time did I ever see a Super Mario or even Nintendo themed shirt or collectible in any regular shopping place. Now I’m glad I had what I had; all the merch that’s being pushed these days saturates and ruins what games are all about.

i puke
>coomer action figure and gunpla kits
now we're talking
new Lego is full of søy, even Cobi is better than nuLego

I for one love Funko pops. They're the easiest most half assed and thoughtless gifts to give out at Christmas and they're always 2/$20, BOGO, B2GO.

>We all know that manchild are a societal disease but if there is one thing I cannot fathom is the rise of these Funkopop.
It's not just a manchild issue. Just look at all the plastic "collectible" crap the Boomers accumulated that is literally worthless today.
Some people are just fucking retards.

it's the quickest route to the good chemicals

Fraid not fren. You can get it off ebay for $60 + shipping

Put enough of them on the shelves and someone will buy it. Put a pricetag on anything and some idiot will buy it from you.

kek. only one left.


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They're supporting GameStop so they're based. I'm glad they spend money on that instead of buying the stock. Don't want them becoming part of the new financial elite, now do we?

I'm surprised they haven't soared in price