Gov. DeSantis had the least to say about the FBI and DOJ’s attack on a Presidential Candidate.

DeSantis is just as spineless and corrupt as the swamp. He has no business in the White House.

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Why won't he save Trump?

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Why are all these rich politicians so upset over the IRS being better equipped to go after tax evaders?

still not getting the vax

He's a slimeball that will do anything to get elected President.

>DeSantis is just as spineless and corrupt as the swamp. He has no business in the White House.
Provide or suggest alternatives.

why would he protect trump? once trump's gone, desantis is the only trick repubs have.

It’s a show of solidarity. Patriots don’t leave each other behind. He’s obviously not a true patriot. If he gets the nomination no one’s voting for his ass. So, we’ll have to slip further into decay until we get into a full out civil war.

It’s Trump or nothing now.

Politicians won't save you.

Trump or nothing now. We’re at war.

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He had to know. He was part of the hit, to secure his place as the candidate.

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you're a stooge lol

or Alex Jones, Steven Chowder, Tim Fool, Jack Pussabac, Ted Cruz, Toe Rogan, Kid Rock, Stephen Baldwin, Kristy "the fat" Alley, Mike "the token" Tyson are lead by DeSantis, break into FBI headquarters like they're Ocean's 11 and steal all the "evidence" the FBI obtained from Fart Lago and save Trump.

sounds like a dope timeline

Wow this is fucking weak. This was a critical test for him, and he failed catastrophically. So, when push comes to shove he's just another cowardly GOP faggot that will never actually take a stand on anything, huh? Hell, it wasn't even enough for him to break out the hardcore rhetoric. Fuck him.

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kill yourself faggotnigger

Typical kikelover

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This. Ron DeSantis already made a deal with the Democrats to rub Trump out of the picture for his 2024 run.

Et tu Brutes?
>Et tu Brute?

>China’s cucked out hard
>Desantis may cuck out
So many pussy moves going on.

Good that he's calling them The Regime though

Thanks for the you. Stooge.



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Trump is a senile pedophile faggot. De Santis 2024

add an eagle and a flying car and I'm in

I think we all knew this

>Why are all these rich politicians so upset over the IRS being better equipped to go after tax evaders? Top kek, and now that they have 15 years of data ranging from political leanings to Facebook posting. EVEN US SHITHEADS ON THIS SHITSHOW SITE! Years of information on everyone, they can pick out the "deplorables" and bankrupt the shit out of them. Meaning, you and me sneed. They are going to steal the election and ram rod this bullshit until your anus becomes that hole in Siberia.

What do you want him to say?

He said it all right there. Stop gaslighting

It's not a bad response. DeSantis is a soft spoken guy, just the way he is.