Real life origin story

shit +++ real, friends.

Attached: origin-story.jpg (786x1335, 182.91K)

Prisoners don't get pens. Shit is fake and gay. Go back to redddit

Yes they do! They get pens, how do you think they write letters?
You thin Chris Chan uses magic?

Um .... OP it's just literal nonsense , there's nothing there

They get golf pencils faggot


Attached: chrome_9QRcxY2atS.png (619x358, 395.35K)

You get these tiny floppy pens that are more difficult to stab in someone's eyes than a normal pen or pencil. They can come in care packages and are very valuable depending on the location (some give them out like candy, others it's a rare possession that are as valuable as extra toliet paper rolls and food trays

someone's got an uncle that killed someone in a DUI! tell the anons about shower shoes and handball next

Well he got the shape right even it thats the dumb way to draw it

This. You already posted this here months ago and we all thought you were retarded OP. So you gave it a new origin story and posted it to your Faggot shithole. Now go back. Herbs

Oh. Now kys

Cube at the center of the pic is metatron's cube. This is the black cube worshipped by jews and, by extension, muslims. It is a primordial piece of sacred geometry, and has influenced the humanity's scientific advancement since the birth of natural philosophy. Da Vinci, Newtown, Pythagoras - they were obsessed with its study.
It is, quite literally, one of the most sacred visual depictions you can observe.

>Would you like to know more?

Search for "Ningishzidda", "Enoch", and "Hermes Trimegustus".

>replicant avatar

some guy at a motel with pentagon, airforce and nato patches on his jacket who does atmospherics work told me about a race of humanoid replicators who live under the ground and have mag-lev tunnels spanning the whole earth. theyre behind the ufo's also. same tech. they rule over us from below. 250ft max beneath the ground. gravity pulls the atmosphere into their tunnels so they can breath. if they die they replicate. he said he no longer works for the pantagon but his current job is killing them. thats what he does when hes not at the motel.

he also said he was in saigon. so im guessing the replicators are little gooks in the vietnamese tunnels and their mag lev is actually their small stature and ability to scurry tunnels quickly. theirs millions of those gooks so it seems like they replicate. the hunting aliens undergrounds is flashbacks of clearing tunnels of charlie

i still believe him.

And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

schizophrenic people could never produce that. that's just some doodling by someone who is fascinated by shapes and supernatural lore.

very similar to what Phil Schneider said.

still not getting the vax

Such beautiful bullshit.

I'm kinda jelly of his block letters desu

What is this type of person called?
Its my least favorite type of person.
The snark.

Half redeemable, half lacking awareness. A darwinian glitch in te prime.

>this meme is 5 years old

When they guy is sad, say
>Hey can I look at your drawing please?
Read it going
>uh huh urm hurm
Then go:
>Oh! I know what your problem is... this is a piece of shit.
Tear it up and throw it at him.
When he attacks you, shank him and toss him from the mezzanine.

Can someone make that into a font plox

like user already said, this reddit spookypasta was posted ages ago. this isn't how schizophrenics write, look up literally anything about schizos, one of the hallmarks is disjointed thoughts. this shit looks like a normie highschool faggot made it.

Boomers in Engineering/Drafting careers were taught to write like this. My grandfather's print was EXACTLY like OP's image.

i write like this because my grandfather/father wrote this way

we got pens, and anything else we wanted.
You don't know shit, lame. Don't talk shit.

We need to let that one inmate out.

For science

Not sure whatever bullshit you posted, but here's the real deal.

Attached: 1643953529319.jpg (2048x1619, 389.99K)

Attached: 1643953582870.jpg (2048x1680, 515.12K)

>Dood, I'm like, kinda schizophrenic myself. They're so badass and mysterious!

I too am a fan of sacred geometry.


very intriguing if not just a larp

the holocaust didnt happen but it should have

He was probably just some math (and possibly art) nerd/geek who smoked weed, triggering his latent schizophrenia a bit earlier in life, with a splash of weird creativity from the weed.
>t. everything but the schizophrenia

This. Reads more like a self-sucking /x/ post, of which there are many.

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