99.99% of the rank and file are good people!

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Fuck that faggot Zionist simp

Every one working for an evil by design institution is evil. If they weren't, they'd quit.


Glowniggers arent hood people.
Glowniggers are pure evil.
Aware of their evil profession and the types that actively looked to become glowniggers.
Especially evil are the lowest rank and file faggots that have limited powers and abilities.
Houseniggers of the establishment.

Get cancer, kike tool.

Martyr your career, put your family in poverty? For what?

It’s not stopping anything, having good guys on the inside helps slow down the transition from convert to overt authoritarianism, at least.

no they aren't you dumb ziocon boomer

Day 238 Niggers!!!

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They can get a job that coheres with their conscience then. If they built their life around being a part of a transparently evil organization they're not good guys

>For what?
For the right thing.

>having good guys on the inside helps slow down the transition from convert to overt authoritarianism, at least.
It helps the totalitarian tiptoe, making the transition so slow that people get accustomed to it and don't fight back, unlike if it happened faster.

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Thanks Sean.

no no all FBI is trash

lmfao. Fuck you nigger

CNN and Fox are two different sides of the same MIC/deepstate coin

his stupid fucking face just radiates NPC idiocy, I wanna slap it

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For the last 20 years the FBI made it a requirement they'd only hire people with a 4 year degree in criminal social justice warriorism.
Ensuring they'd eventually end up with nothing but left wing commie scumbags running the agency.
RIP Murica

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Hannity is probably a glowie himself

who is this guy, looks like sean hannity crossed with frankenstein

if 99% of them are then they should do good they are in position to fuck over zog

>i volunteered to work for an inherently evil organization
>no one made me do this and i could have chosen any other career i wanted, including other law enforcement careers
>I obey every constitutional raping order and I lick the boot of this evil organization daily
>I'm just following orders (that i volunteered to follow) so I'm not the bad guy here

Good people don't follow illegal orders.

uhh huh....

trust the FBI
and the NSA
and the CIA
and all other 3 letter agencies

we're not that ba--- errm i mean.. they're not that bad

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The FBI, CIA, DEA, etc operate outside the Constitution. The Constitution did not give the government power to create these entities. All of these agents are violating your rights and using deadly force to do so. Every one of these agents have committed sedition and treason. Give them a common law trial and they all would hang.