A huge waste?

So apparently china shot off 11 ballistic missiles in their exercises around Taiwan. How much fucking money does this cost? Just shooting the shit into the ocean? This has to be a joke. If china doesn't invade after doing all this baby tantrum shit, they will be the biggest joke country in the world. Spending all this money, shooting so much shit into the ocean and pissing their pants, it's hilarious if they don't invade. Let me remind you, they apparently shot ELEVEN huge fuck off missiles into the OCEAN. That can't be cheap

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I don't see the point wasting the money in shooting the shit into the water and not at Taiwan itself. are chink bugs really that stupid or am i missing something?

If you can’t afford to spare 10 rockets you should never even think about war

Without nuclear warheads it's actually pretty cheap

that isnt the point you fucking retard kys

yeah, you’re missing a few things: a functioning brain for one.

Whatever it is.
It's less than the two trillion that was spent in Afghanistan or the same amount that disappeared on 9/11

uhh duhh duh a fucking memeflag brilliant

Those were chinese-quality missiles....very cheap.

china got a shit ton of US tech from Afghanistan, thanks to biden

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that is exactly the point you niggermoron, in fact, thats the same reason why your shit nation dropped not one but two nukes on japan
its a display of force

Technically millions of $$$, practically $0 cause expired stuff gets shot first.

kys stupid ass

nigger detected

If your munitions are so expensive you cant afford to test them out, you are doing something wrong.

youre literally missing the point im making like a nigger and that makes me the nigger?

yes that makes you the nigger you nigger faggot

another stupid fuck missing the point. holy shit i lost all faith in this site

of course you’re also the sort of flaggotry whining faggot that doesn’t know what a vpn is.

They can probably crap out a few missiles like nothing

No they didn't miga coper. I'm not defending retarded Joe but China has been stealing our tech mainly through espinoge and Israel weapons sales for decades now. The only thing left behind special to the afghans were Blackhawk helis and China already has a copy pasta of that in production.

>Nuking two cities is the same as shooting tantrum missiles into the sea

back to plebbit you go predditor
i can bet you will get many updoots in there you niggerfaggot

the nukes were dropped not to make japan surrender but to frighten the soviet union you niggermoron faggot

>Firing missles during a live fire excercise is LE BAD, ok?


Why arent the ecofacists complaing about china leaving there shitty missiles in the ocean?

amerigolem seething the chinks are better at them KEK
time to swallow some jewish dick xer niggerfaggot

And who exactly did China "frighten" here?

Why doesn't Biden respond by shooting US ballistic missiles into Chinese waters?

the US you idiot gook
>muh chip shortages
ever heard of it niggerfaggot?

because he's a rot brain pussy

The fact that you come across as a low IQ nigger, you retard, try to guard your neck well from the police you stupid ape

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kys memeflag the earth has no place for your kind

sez the niggerfaggot mutt

>why do militaries train?
how is it possible to be this retarded

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The USA is dying, China just wants to show there is fuck all you can do.
The USA are a rotting shadow of the power you once held and without that power you will have nothing as you have no race or culture to fall back on. Sorry.

>kys memeflag the earth has no place for your kind
Maybe I'll put this in a way you can understand you seething primitive nigger chimp

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China is claiming the ocean around Taiwan, and will establish no fly and no sail zone. China wants to prevent the transfer of nuclear weapons and other weapons to taiwan.
These zones will be in place until china invades taiwan.

i swear to god how the fuck is everyone so retarded on this site to entirely miss the point? you people will not save the white race at all, in face you are the downfall of it. you must be under 18

>hurr everyone but me is retarded!
sounds like a jewish problem doesn't it moshe

Sometimes a country asserting itself is more important than money.
Besides can you imagine how much money your military wastes with a multi billion tranny program, no bid contracts, frivolous spending and theft?


Recession is going to hit them hard regardless

I agree, they should have spent that money on gibs for lazy retards instead.