CSRQ-RM / Oculum Labs Theory- If this isn't the new slave system how far off is it?

A few weeks ago, this group called Oculum Labs showed up on the Internet going by the name “Bill Sweet” and an insider by the name of “Gideon”. Gideon and Bill through a series of short interviews called “Intel Drops” on the website discussed the globalist elite’s plans to crash the entire financial system and move us directly into a technocratic slave system nicknamed CSRQ-RM.

According to the story, Gideon has a group inside that is quietly gathering info on who was Sovereign status, how the system works, etc. According to Gideon, nearly all of the people we would consider “Truthers” are actually double agents whom are just here to occupy and confuse us long enough for them to slam the new digital prison system on us. There was a list of Sovereigns’ which included names like Charlie Ward, Phil Godlewski, Alex Jones, David Wilcock etc. Of course all of the evil globalist types would be Sovereign as well but most of the people in the Truth community look to are on there as well according to them.

The basic premise is that some type of major event will occur (think Cyber Polygon) which will wipe out all current forms of currency. At that point the new system CSRQ-RM running on something called USDR will rise which in essence all of the powerful people, business leaders, celebrities, deep state and of course many of the gatekeepers whom we garner our Intel from will be Sovereign status.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sovereigns are of course exempt from the continued transhumanist vaccines, can have unlimited money, no carbon score and freedom to go everywhere. Most of the plebs will be “Common” status which has all of the restrictions and you get something like 1000 USDR per month.
Then you have Restricted and Quarantined status which as you can imagine are for the outcasts and enemies of the state. Gideon insists that this system will be accompanied globally by very intense authoritarian policies like forced asset seizures, forced injections and all of the worst types of things we have seen out of the CCP, Communist USSR, North Korea or any other totalitarian, authoritarian regime.

Gideon mentions many times that all the advanced weaponry, especially the DARPA secret advanced drones will be deployed around the world against the citizens to keep them in check.

The site is gone now so if you want to learn more about this you will have to scour the dark corners of the Internet. The final INTEL DROP is archived and I will include the link here.

Obviously, there is no way to fully verify all of this info at the time but I must say if this ISN’T a preview of the new system, where can we find credible info on what the new system is? When I take what the technocrats have said, how they have positioned things globally and how generally things have been trending downward this seems highly plausible. This theory from Oculum Labs checked all of the boxes in a very matter of fact, straight to the point way that is hard to argue against given the circumstances.


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What do you think the time frame is for this cyber pentagon event?

Bumperino,the smell of this shit is thick in the air.

Aussie user, how's the covid restrictions down there? Think they will shut down again?

basically what russo said, very interesting interview.


wait a second, at 0:38 theres the name "gideon"


Going to youtube-dl that shit when I get the chance before it disappears. Phone fagging right now

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was not easy to find, let me quote this youtube comment:

"The fact that this full interview is SO HARD to find online nowadays where 10 years ago I could find it so easily on YouTube is fucking SCARY. I had to go to outside sources to watch this interview again even though I have seen it 7 times already. It's that good and informative of an interview"

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How does the whole social credit scores thing in China actually work? It will be like that. However, the thing in the OP pic was very obviously an attempt to scam people into buying that usdr token. As if the real globohomo cbdc would actually just be an erc20 token on the ethereum network.

If I posted a comment like that on jewtube it would be shadow banned. I swear to Christ at least 50% of my comments end up sb’d no matter how innocuous. I have no idea how their algorithm works and it’s driving me mental.

First person to ask me for my gideon pass gets a bullet in the head. Simple as.

Can't you fags see it's all an elaborate scam - this random dude in Vietnam wants thousands of $ so his 1337 h@x0rs will "upgrade" you to "Sovereign class" and then send them even more money to "buy USDR before the reset". It's all so obvious.

You're probably on the shit list like the rest of us

this was the first thing I though of when I got to the part about how his "white hats" can manually change people to sovereign class

also, are we pretending a global cabal of CIA level faggots cant kill some faggot in vietnam? really?

fren, im shadowbanned since forever. just recently figured it out when searching my own videos/comments with different accounts.
its normal

Brb buying XRP and RSR rn

Does anyone remember the dev or something of xrp going to Antarctica with a bunch of globalists for a wanker meeting? Did anything come of it?

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Wont do you any good without the mark, fren

this was a fake grift to get people to pay money to have themselves listed as exempt.
it was bullshit then and it still is. they are faking their website getting shut down to garner more interest
you guys are retarded