Should get some interesting answers on Any Forums

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Setting aside all the open collaboration being labeled "conspiracy theories," there are simply a lot of conspiracies.

Believing in bullshit just prepares them to believe in even more of it

What's a conspiracy theory

OK but aren't you guys the ones saying that christians are trying to bring about a christian fascism or something?

none of my christian normie family, nor most of the christian public believes a single conspiracy theory. this is retarded and you have a meme flag kys.

than you for bringing a shred of value to this thread

Christianity is a religion based upon blind faith. From an early age, Christcucks are taught to reject evidence-based reasoning in pursuit of Jewish fairytales.

you got my country fren

Pls a good one …

The most retarded tin foil hat crew is Reddit.

Most conspiracy theories are literally tailored that way. It's just another layer of mind control for sheep that believe themselves men.

It's really as simple as this.

I'd ask why so many people are so dogmatic that they will reject evidence of conspiracy when it is presented to them?

Easy - the main enemy of Christianity is called "The Great Deceiver" / "Prince of Lies" etc

you got a frog

>were not the brainwashed ones
>continues to blindly follow what the government tells them

Muslims believe conspiracy theories way more. Literal CIA glowniggers on FOX news been saying this shit during the entire Bush/Cheney years. (((You))) cannot hide from the internet.

Yea unlucky I was hoping for a slav or gook

come to daddy!

Conservatives are the only ones that can think for themselves

I QUIT THIS SHITTY ASS BOARD! (one last roll though)

is there any way to filter these fucking twitter screencap threads?

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I want a latina por flavor.

Because true Christians are close to God and He informs us in advance about which (((current thing))) we should avoid taking a part in.

Indonesia fine too

They believe anything a Jew says.