How and why did Jews evolve in such a way to physically resemble rats? (beady eyes, sloped head, large ears...

How and why did Jews evolve in such a way to physically resemble rats? (beady eyes, sloped head, large ears, jutting midface)
Is this some form of convergent evolution?

Sometimes i ask the same to myself about East Asians and reptiles

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This post is offensive to rats and reptiles

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bad genetics

Rats are smart and can fit in holes the size of a nickel

Mentality manifesting itself physically. You can change the way you look by changing the way you see the world.

Female led mating selection.

It’s actually science.
They way your Face is structured indicates how trustworthy you are.

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Explain more

How you feel positively, negatively etc. alters how you look. It doesn't change your DNA but can radically affect how you appear and how others see you.

Ok, but why do certain perspectives or feelings correspond to certain physical features? For example, how does the jewish nose come about from evil behavior? Why is it not a little button nose that is evolved in response to that behavior?

They have big snouts because the air is free.

You know how dog breeds, even pure ones are engineered through mixing? Imagine if you had a mutt of a certain mix, and kept making it breed with other mutts of the same admixture. Eventually, problems will arise. In comparison, a wolf being pure, doesn't have all the other admixtures, while a "pure breed" dog does.

i believe it's called physiognomy if you want to research more

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>this right here
>looked at a picture on my wedding day, and 3 years after divorce my wife & I both look COMPLETLY different.
>feelings change your bone structure and where your fat is distributed

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Kikes are always trying to deceive. They aren't going to look like innocent angels with a calm/confident face. They are going to look like rats or some other filthy animal that looks that is looking to prey on others or scavenge. But not an honest predator like a lion/tiger who is proud to be a predator.

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scheming requires increased air intake, voice control and a beta-appearance so as not to alert the chads in power.
a small bead nose will lead to clogged nose, mouth breathing and consequently alerting chads of your unlucky health situation in a way that heightens focus on you.

Large midfaces is a way of passing as a priest/nerd class no matter how low rung you are.

whats up with that fr fr
>Christians from across the world: look different
>Catholics from across the world: look different
>Muslims from across the world: look different
>hindus from across the world: look different
>jews from across the world: look the same

and miss me with that tribe shit, if a jew is anyone born to a jewish mother then they should not all look distinct.