Did music turn men gay, and trans?


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It played a part in it. Who owns the music industry?

Music has existed long before written history.
Are you suggesting music was making people gay 8000 years ago? 20,000 years ago?

Attached: Queens.jpg (852x1024, 287.69K)

They try to turn men femboys, gay, or trans.

And, turn women into sluts, tomboys, or trans.

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Prince was not gay at all.

>fag detected
>opinion discarded

Prince was a flamboyant heterosexual and made excellent music. Music doesn't make you gay unless you are one of those weirdos that watches those 3 hour hypno trance sissification goon on free porn sites.

kikes and spies

no, you did.
every single one of them. all you, OP

Yes. We know who.

But, it's also satanic/luciferian/occult.

>unless you are one of those weirdos that watches those 3 hour hypno trance sissification goon on free porn sites.
Oddly specific.

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Prince probably fucked more 10/10 sluts than you ever will

So instead of refuting my argument, you ad hominem attack me, and discard my argument out of hand
Try harder

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no, the internet did

If my verdict is correct, then your opinions are just retarded on purpose and unworthy of debate.

You neck yourself, tranny. We know you are a tranny.

Prince was a flamboyant weirdo nigger yet every single person loved and respected him. I miss him a lot.

Prince's music is extremely manly. Looking like a fag was him balancing the equation.


nice hidden merchant
>the guitar

Music has existed long before written history.
Are you suggesting music was making people gay 8000 years ago? 20,000 years ago?
What about caveman paintings? Were those making people gay too?

Attached: caveman.jpg (1000x620, 478.8K)

I am suggesting you are a tranny or faggot. And, you need to kill yourself.


Prince has turned down more pussy than you will ever be around.

What is your evidence?

Depends on the music

Michael Jackson

What’s the difference?

prince has banged more women than you have ever jerked off to

he was just eccentric and possibly autistic. he lived to be a singer, songwriter, musician, and entertainer. he did nothing wrong. wouldnt surprise me if he had a huge nazi memorabilia collection like other autistic/eccentric entertainers

If music makes you gay then you were gay already

you're a retard

The closest pronunciation is "TAFKAP"

Attached: tafkap.png (1280x1024, 119.04K)

Prince got pussy. He wasnt a fag

You just names 4 of the same thing.


The entire so-called (((entertainment industry))) did.

No but your mom did