South Europeans aren't the same race as North and East Europeans

Meds look like Arabs, whereas Slavs, Balts, and Scandinavians look like hapas. Meds have more basal and east/north Europeans are more ANE.

Attached: 1659901576717363 Amerindians Scandinavians Mediterranean ANE admixture.png (807x277, 444.73K)

jews = muslins
From skin color to religious beliefs

>lightskinned White people in Maine
>darkskinned White people in Florida
>natural mammalian response to climate and environment
Rot in Hell you worthless yid.

jewish post

what about france? literal 50/50 med nord

Both sides of my family have been from the south since colonial times and we're all blue eyed with blond and brown hair

Who gives a shit.

They cluster differently

Attached: ktl75lN global PCA important.jpg (4000x4000, 1020.46K)

what does ane mean

Ancestral North Eurasian

Attached: 1641036833696 ANE admixture Amerindian vs European phenotypes comparison shared ENA ancestry.png (1151x810, 950.61K)

Attached: 13300451130b4c4indian_cromagnon0e13 Cro Magnon 1 Amerindian comparison shared ENA ancestry.jpg (450x315, 42.32K)

Attached: 1640883412969 Yamnaya EHG ANE European Faelid South Asian Indid mongoloid Sinid Cromagnons shared ENA ancestry phenotypes.jpg (2063x532, 1.03M)

wtf is ane?

fuck off, kike.



Attached: 1651072838451 G25 European Andamanese Jarawa Somali African admixture important.jpg (550x462, 44.79K)

Attached: 1658611092082473 low K2 Eurasians Europeans MENAs Caucasians African SSA Eurasian admixture important.png (514x1616, 204.73K)


Attached: 165807016926605 G25 Greeks Italians Lebanese Swedish Libyan admixture important.png (1188x1404, 1.28M)

K fag
Who gives a shit?

This is retarded. Moving to a sunnier climate will make your skin darker yes, but not your hair/eyes. It’s actually the opposite, bright sun makes you blonder. A Nordic person isn’t gonna move to Greece and develop brown eyes lmao