This guy has a point
This guy has a point.
Why do you choose to be slaves to the duopoly?

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I don’t give a fuck who is in power, no government is going to tell me what to do.

they already do. you pay taxes, you obey laws, you live under their rule

I choose what laws I want to follow, they can only discipline you as much as they have firepower to enforce it.

Who the fuck are you talking to? Dumbass nigger...

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There's a lot of GOP shills here who use /ptg/ as a beachhead. They get very upset when people point out the Uniparty, especially with midterms coming up

With politics, you can’t just keep an equilibrium, there’s going to be a paradigm shift over time as there currently is now. The oscillation between the two parties will only lead to mediocrity and decay of the country, which will eventually spark a revolt if it gets bad enough.

>I choose what laws I want to follow
yeah I'm sure buddy. say that to a cop's face and watch him laugh as he cuffs you for disorderly conduct

You choose your battles, but for example if I can’t say the word nigger I’m not going to follow that no matter what.

yes you will. you WILL bow. or you'll be fired and die on the street like a dog

I don’t give a fuck I will fight for my rights. The founding fathers were terrorists who did the same thing once they’ve had enough.


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There is not a single politician, government, banker, institution, group, corporation, or entity of ANY kind on the entire planet that is pro white man. Why should give a flying fuck if the current state is every single last one of them wanting me; broke, destitute, lonely, angry, dead, demoralized, weak and my children raped and murdered?

>I will fight for my rights
no you'll bow like a dog or be crushed under the heel of the empire

Third parties are a leftist D&C psyop to turn people away from the Republican Party. This is how Democrats and leftists keep gaining ground.

Because we’ll split the vote otherwise!
Wouldn’t you hate for the party who never represented your interest outside of ad spots to have wasted their money on ad spots because you split the vote?!

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The end result is you’ll still be dead and your impact minimal


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The biggest slave of all is the white who stands next to the nigger as his equal.

hey OP did you miss this line right here?

how are you going to break your shackles when the party is literally made to be the pacifying de-radicalization party? basically the status quo finally creating the official uniparty?

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if you think like this, you are out of your depth with anything related to politics.