"We just want the same rights as you straight people! We're not a bunch of perverts!"

A gay couple molesting their adopted child? Inconceivable!

Georgia couple Zachary Jacoby Zulock and William Dale Conley Zulock charged with using their adopted children to make C P:


Attached: FagCouple.png (751x846, 688.23K)

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Hang them

Hmm, somehow those strange cases of little kids with Monkey Pox start to make a bit of sense

>Straight couples have never done this

Protect children. Kill faggots. Simple as.

these predatory fags want to be inside each other so bad, maybe they could be helped with a hydraulic press

But gays make up a tiny portion of the population and make up more than a quarter of child sexual assault cases.
Think of the 13/50 rule for blacks, but apply it to gays diddling kids.

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>faggots don’t always do this

Gay parents of kids who contract monkeypox should get the electric chair.

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not my problem

>Meta-analysis; "Same-sex parents have an overall positive effect on the developmental outcomes of the children.
tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13229400.2022.2060121?scroll=top&needAccess=true .

>The finding that children of lesbian and gay parents develop well is now one of the most replicated findings in psychological research

>Children of same-sex couples are generally progressing through school at a rate comparable to or better than children of heterosexual married couples.

>pointing fingers at everyone else
Lmao what a tard, kys at the very least

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Actually, this is one thing Any Forums gets wrong. It comes from assuming sense boys are molested, the assailant openly identifies as gay. An overwhelming majority of pedophiles who molest male children identify as heterosexual outside of these actions. Openly homosexual people reflect a very tiny minority of pedophiles.

This is objectively true. Although adopted children of homosexual couples are more likely to be mentally unstable and abuse drugs and alcohol.

yes, straight couples really dont do this to their own child. 2 male faggots adopting a kid is up to no good. it shouldnt even be allowed but the government is chocked full of satanic pedophiles so they let it fly

>love is love
>sex parties just like healthy heterosexual couples

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Hmmmm…there’s a study from the University of Texas that says the opposite. Either way, good for these kids if they’re turning out better than their peers. Better for everyone that way.

Take em to the gallows with the old drop floor. In front of all to see.

This Wiener guy is a tremendous fuck-head. He's the one that made it okay to willfully infect someone with HIV in California, and tried to make it okay for adults to have sex with kids.

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they should get the electric ass
a solder tinned copper ass dildo attached to a Tesla Coil
It could be inserted by a slow-moving hydraulic ram while Hava Nagila is played at jet engine volume and then the relays slam shut and the ghostbusters light show starts

>fags say fagging is good for kids
ah yes but as a counterpoint I am a Nazi and I say gassing is good for you


Sorry. That really annoyed me when I reread that.

What you need to understand is that ALL of these "studies" are utter shit for two reasons:
1. They are being performed by so-called faggot-allies.
2. They are being funded and published by pro-faggot institutions

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