You gotta admit though, they do deserve 15 times more. They actually do work 15 times hard

You gotta admit though, they do deserve 15 times more. They actually do work 15 times hard.

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I know this is a leftypol thread, but you won't catch me defending musk, bezos, and every other bohemian grove faggot. Socialism is only half of the correct answer, nigger.

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And they are all Jewish!

>hold wealth
what does this even mean. like how much does musk actually have in cash under his mattress? you know? when i think of having wealth, i think of me reaching into my pocket and pulling out a stick of gum and dropping a couple of million in pocket change. like how much do these 1% actually have access too? wtf is wealth anyway?

Compromise... if you guys agree to kick the niggers and jews out of the country, we can do socialism.

It means 1% produce or own 50% of all the stuff and somehow some nigger who has never had a job feels that he needs government to steal some of it for him.

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I'm entirely for redistributing the wealth of the 1% to white Americans

i could automate away the jobs of a million people every year and yet im only paid 600k, it's a rip off

winners focus on winning
losers focus on winners
either ur first or ur last shakenbake sagejew

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They print money “infinite times” harder.

Yes, I know how much you work loser. Fact is you are not even worth minimum wage, and you make that because people have sympathy for you. You would have to be 20x more productive than you are now to be worth $15 an hour.

I'm sick of hearing your antisemetic shit, chuds

Capitalism is incompatible with the survival of the white race

Not my problem faggot

The average American is a useless faggot

Under the status quo yes. Capitalism on an all white society would be fine

They take all the upfront risk and then you show up later feel entitled to what they earned when you never could have built it yourself

My boyfriend is a multi millionaire. He works like a dog he sometimes goes days without sleeping runs several companies and still has time to invite the neighbors too cook them burgers. He also micromanages my life it’s good to have some discipline. The problem is that he thinks I’m an immortal like him he will sometimes text too much even at night when I’m trying to yes…….sleep it’s such a dirty word

It's not about working hard, it's about the value you produce.

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Us immortals just need someone to love and support us. You don't need to be on genius level, just a pure soul.

White aren’t immune to greed. Even our forefathers were too greedy to pay a white man an honest wage to pick their own cotton. They will subvert the government and find a way to import cheap labour the financial incentives are too great as our standard of living rises

they can't stop with the propaganda, even when they admit it
they're trying to illicit an emotional response like these people grinded a 9 to 5er for decades to amass their wealth
they got it through nepotism and the rape and plunder of the very "bottom 50%" they're trying to manipulate
it's evil and disgusting

Most of these fuckers probly made their wealth literally destroying our countries. Do you deserve more wealth for being evil kikes? I should say you don't. This system (which is not the free market btw but global facism) gives rewards to demons. To act like most of them deserve what they have is silly.

Top 1% of men receive 15 times more blowjobs than the bottom 50% of men combined. Life isn't fair, bucko -- learn what exponential growth is and get wealthy yourself.

the other half is full blown communism

hard work != valuable work

Your gay utopia of everyone being equal has never or will never happen. Greed isn’t the only way people achieve wealth

Yah what are you selling our country away too? Making your bag? fucking leaf pos. I bet you are in the real estate business too.

More like most of the bottom 50% are getting as much as they deserve

bow down to your master, slave

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work smarter, not harder

Why would we want internationalism like that? Nationalism is the only way forward.

How many of those are politicians or government bureaucrats? How many are private entrepreneurs with minimum contact or lobby with politicians?
You got to be specific otherwise you are not honest about the solution.

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